11: 00 a. . Jan. 5.
"That's okay, my good sir. "
“没关系,好先生。” 你友好地喊到。
"I know the nasty things these assholes can do. There's a saying in the north. 'No sober can be a soldier'."
"Ha! That's damn right!"
"After two years’ labor, you should go straight back: not even one more second in the barrack. Soldiers there are far stinkier than shits outside."
"Thank you, kind sir."
"I understand that you meant well, I do. But still, I want to change this, not only the whole fortress, but the whole army. That's for the best of our kingdom."
"Son, tell me. Are you from one of these bigwig families?"
选项A 大方承认,表示自己的父亲确实是一个身份不低的官员
选项B 否认,说自己只是一个有钱人家的孩子,没什么势力
选项C 否认,说自己只是个穷人家的孩子