Englishpod 48

Englishpod 48

作者: 顾天 | 来源:发表于2019-01-31 13:52 被阅读0次

    Raw conversation:

    English Pod 48

    A: I can't believe we're here! Carnival in Rio! Seriously, this is like a once in a lifetime opportunity! Can you believe it? We're here at the biggest party in the world

    B: I know, we're so lucky that we found tickets for the Sambadrome (地名)! Good thing we found that ticket scalper 【skælpər】黄牛票

    A: Look! It's starting! Wow, this is amazing! Look at how many dancer there are. Oh my gosh! The costumes ['kɔstju:əz]服装 are so colorful! This is so cool!

    B: it says here that the school that is dancing now is one of the oldest and most prestigious[preˈstɪdʒəs] 受尊敬的 samba 桑巴舞 schools in Rio

    A: No kidding! Look at them. They're amazing! Look at that girl on the top of that float ! She must be the carnival queen! Move over there so I can get a picture of you!

    B: Ok , Hurry up take the picture

    C: Join us! Come and dance!

    B: oh really… no I can't. no really ,I don't know how to dance! Honey I'll see you later

    A: Patrick! Don't just leave me here.


    1. No Kidding: it is not kidding,说真的,单独句子存在

    2. Ticket scalper【skælpər】 : 倒卖黑市戏票[车票]的人

    3. carnival queen: [ˈkɑ:rnɪvl]  狂欢女王

    4. Don't just leave me here. 别抛下我



          本文标题:Englishpod 48
