动物们刚刚获得权力的时候,制定了 Seven commandments:
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2.Whatever goes upon four legs,or has wings, is a friend.
3.No animal shall wear clothes.
4.No animals shall sleep in a bed.
5.No animal shall drink alcohol.
6.No animal shall kill any other animal.
7.All animals are equal.
当一些动物被迫坦白与Snowball共谋勾结人类之后,竟被无情杀害。其他动物震惊之余,想起了第六条法令,他们所记得的第六条法令却变成了:No animal shall kill any other animal without cause。
动物庄园的掌控者拿破仑,也可以说是动物反叛的既得利益者,生活日渐腐化。先是被发现喝酒,然后第五条法令变成了:No animal shall drink alcohol in excess。又被发现睡在人类的床上,第四条法令变成了:No animals shall sleep in a bed with a sheet。
They could not remember. There was nothing with which they could compare their present lives: they had nothing to go upon except Squealer's lists of figures, which invariably demonstrated that everything was getting better and better. The animals found the problem insoluble; in any case, they had little time for speculating on such things now. Only old Benjamin professed to remember every detail of his long life and to know that things never had been, nor ever could be much better or much worse-hunger , hardship, and disappointment being, so he said, the unalterable law of life.
更令动物们吃惊的是,以拿破仑为首的猪们竟然学会了直起身来走路。反叛革命之后依然饱受劳苦的可怜动物们看到这令他们三观颠覆的景象,可以说内心已经绝望了吧。竟然齐声赞颂:Four legs good, two legs better。到此为止,动物庄园建立的初心可谓是完全被抛弃被忘记了。
The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
最后一句,奥威尔不再使用animals, 而换成了creatures; 这是讽刺还是惊世,不得而知。
只是,历经千辛万苦建立起来的动物庄园最后改名The Manor Farm, 猪和人傻傻分不清楚,真的是意味深长。