作者开篇第一句就说,All authorities on the style of English prose agree that good writing is concise. 也就是说英文写作的第一要义是简洁,不过由于我们带着汉语的语言习惯,很多时候中国人写出来的英语有很多重复罗嗦的部分。作者把这种习惯总结为以下几个方面:
● 名词和动词的冗余
● 修饰词冗余
● 同义词冗余
● 重复造成的冗余
● 反复指代造成的冗余
● 名词和动词的冗余
错误: to accelerate the pace of economic reform
正确: to accelerate economic reform
["To accelerate" = "to increase the pace of."]
错误: the development of our economy in the future will, to a large extent, depend on...
正确: the development of our economy will depend to a large extent on...
[将来时已经表示未来了。The future tense of the verb ("will depend") is sufficient to express futurity.]
错误: we should adopt a series of measures to ensure that...
正确: we should adopt measures to ensure that...
[中文我们会说,我们要采取一系列的措施,但是英文复数已经有这个意思了。Here the plural form of "measures" covers the sense of a "series."]
1. unnecessary verb plus noun
2. unnecessary verb plus unnecessary noun plus third word
错误: they should conduct a careful examination of...
正确: they should carefully examine...
错误: three garrison divisions were necessary to perform the task of guarding warehouses
正确: three garrison divisions were necessary to guard warehouses
错误: this measure will have a restrictive effect on the activities of speculators
正确: this measure will restrict the activities of speculators
To make:
to make an investigation of = to investigate
to make a careful study of = to study carefully
to make a decision to = to decide to
to make a proposal that = to propose that
to make efforts to = to try (or: attempt) to
to make an analysis of = to analyze
To have:
to have a dislike for = to dislike
to have trust in = to trust
to have an influence on = to influence
to have adequate knowledge of = to know enough about
to have the need for = to need
to have respect for = to respect
to give guidance to = to guide
to provide assistance to = to assist
to carry out the struggle against = to struggle against
to conduct reform of = to reform
to engage in free discussion of = to discuss (it) freely
to achieve success in = to succeed in
to accomplish the modernization of = to modernize
to realize the transformation of = to transform
to bring about an improvement in = to improve
to place stress on = to stress
to exercise control over = to control
to register an increase = to increase
make every effort to,
try our best to,
do our utmost to,
do everything possible to (also, plain verbs: strive to,endeavor to, work hard to ),
make a success of,
achieve success in,
do successful work in.