
我们的内容存在中心化服务器上, 依赖于域名, 依赖于网络, 即使隔壁的同事下载过一个视频我们也仍然再下载一次。

对物理距离的法则无法突破, 距离越远, 传输的时间越久.

想象下星际旅行, 按照光速前进, 从地球到土星要71分钟
decentralization is our destiny 去中心化是必然
问自己, 这可能吗?
Problem 1: How to verify things?? 第一个需要解决的问题:如何验证一个东西
你是谁:通过你的身份证, 居住地址, 个人档案
证明你是谁:脸部识别, 手印, 签名, DNA
你是谁: 哈希值
防伪: 公钥

Alice用私钥实现数字签名, Bob用Alice的公钥实现验证。
单个message可以实现公开可验证了, 那么如何让一系列相关联的messages实现公开可验证呢?
How to make a series, related messages public verifiable? 让一系列相关联的消息实现公开可验证
event: message itself, the source of the information
代表一个message, information的源头
state: the result after the event is being applied
transformation: the “machine” that applies the event to the previous state
计算从event到state的过程, 称之为transformation.

初始状态: alice 30元, bob 20元
第一个event: alice给bob转20元, 得到的新状态是: (alice 10, bob 40)
第二个event: bob给alice 5元, 得到的新状态是: (alice 15, bob 35)
第三个event:alice给bob15元, 得到的新状态是: (alice 0, bob 50)
现在, 如何让上面的转账实现公开可验证?
第一个尝试, 让每一个event都被发送者签名

只要拥有发送者的公钥, 就可以验证这个event
只要我知道当前的状态, 我就能验证一个event是否合法 『how to?』
message Event {
string from = 1;
string to = 2;
uint64 total = 3;
//公钥, 用来验证签名是否正确
bytes public_key = 4;
//签名, 消息哈希值的签名(排除签名自身)
bytes signature = 5;
//签名 (私钥签名)
def sign(msg, private_key), do: msg |> sha3() |> ecdsa_sign(private_key)
//发送消息 (发送消息以及签名)
def send(msg, signature), do: p2p_send(%{msg|signature: signature})
//验证消息 (从消息中提取签名, 并结合公钥验证)
def verify(msg) do
%{public_key: key, signature: sig} = msg
hash = sha3(%{msg|signature: <<>>})
ecdsa_verify(hash, sig, key)
Problems 碰到的问题
How can I ensure that my state is not accidentally (or purposely) mutated?
my code to apply event to state may have bugs
hacker or my employees may mutate the current state
a wrong state will lead to following state inconsistency and make things public unverifiable
错误的状态会导致接后续状态不一致, 从而达不到公开可验证
How can I ensure the events I got are ordered correctly as anyone else got?
a wrong order of events will lead to state inconsistency
第二个尝试 识别顺序和状态

如何识别一个大的data? 使用哈希
为解决event排序问题, 我们使用『链』来将event组合在一起。
message Event {
string from = 1;
string to = 2;
uint64 total = 3;
bytes public_key = 4;
bytes signature = 5;
Header header = 6;
message Header {
bytes hash = 1;
//前一个event的哈希,目的: 保持『链』的顺序
bytes prev_hash = 2;
// 前一个状态的哈希
bytes state_root = 3;
现在达到公开可验证的效果了么? 还没有。
Problem 2: Consensus 解决第二个问题: 共识
即, 谁来决定顺序
Order of the events (events的顺序决定方式)
monopoly: I made every decision. e.g. a single database node
垄断机构: 我自己做出所有决定, 比如单个数据库节点
oligopoly: We (small group) make every decision. e.g. a database cluster
寡头: 我们一个小的组织做出所有决定, 比如数据库集群
perfect competition: everyone makes (part of if not every) decision.
自由竞争情况: 所有人做决策, 或者所有人中的部分做决策。

1、 两阶段提交

这一块有点难度, 需要进一步理解。
Paxos具体可以参考这篇论文: Paxos Made Simple

Raft 通过random timeout来选出master
但是, 以上共识不适用于自由竞争的环境, 比如处理拜占庭容错问题
以上情况, 网络里如果有作恶节点就不work了。
The original Byzantine problem
9 armies surround Byzantine. They would form a consensus to attack or retreat simultaneously. However they can only communicate with messengers.
9支部队要围攻拜占庭, 他们需要达成共识, 决定是同时进攻还是同时撤退, 然而, 他们只能通过与信使沟通的方式来作出决定
One possible solution:
each side can vote for attack or retreat, and everyone follows the majority of votes.
每支部队对仅供和撤退统计, 按投票数量执行少数服从多数原则
The problem: if their’s one disloyal army, when the vote is 4v4, he can send attack to those who votes attack and send retreat to those who votes retreat. Thus 4 armies will attack and 4 will retreat, leading the battle failed.
存在的问题: 当9支部队中有一个部队是叛军, 此时投票的比例为4:4, 即4支部队赞成进攻, 4支部队赞成撤退。
此时, 叛军的策略是, 投其所好, 给那些投赞成的军队发送消息也是『赞成』, 给哪些投撤退的部队发送消息也是『撤退』, 导致的结果就是4支投『赞成』进攻的部队发动进攻, 但是其他人都没有和他们一起进攻, 这4支部队沦陷。
Another solution:
Each side tries to solve the same hard problem independently, whoever 1st solve it put her vote inside the resolution and everyone else follows that
每支部队各自独立解决一个相同难度的问题, 谁先解出来谁就说了算
The problem: hard to define a problem that hard to resolve but easy to verify
存在的问题: 很难定义一个, 足够难解, 还容易验证。
PoW: a solution to Byzantine problem
PoW: 针对拜占庭问题的解决方案
problem to solve: tune a nonce to calculate the hash for the message with number of leading 0s.
需要解决的问题: 给定一个message和不断调整的nonce值, 计算他们的哈希值, 看看得到的结果是否有若干个前导0, 若是则成功。
For the competitors: brute force
竞争者方式: 暴力破解
For the verifier: just hash the event and verify if the hash is correct
验证者: 对event做哈希计算, 并验证哈希是否正确
Possible situation - forks:
可能存在的情形: 分叉
- Alice and Bob solved the problem and put event A and event B into the event chain, and 40% of nodes got Alice’s result, 60% of nodes got Bob’s result
- Next round Cynthia solved the problem based on Alice’s chain, and her result propagated to 90% of nodes. Now most nodes will give up their solution and rebase to Alice’s chain. Enough time later, everyone inherits from Alice’s chain.
分叉的解决方案, 最长链原则。

我们继续修改event模型, 加上PoW
message Event {
string from = 1;
string to = 2;
uint64 total = 3;
//公钥, 用来验证签名是否正确
bytes public_key = 4; //
//签名, 消息哈希值的签名(排除签名自身)
bytes signature = 5;
Header header = 6;
message Header {
bytes hash = 1;
//前一个event的哈希,目的: 保持『链』的顺序
bytes prev_hash = 2;
// 前一个状态的哈希
bytes state_root = 3;
// nonce值, 满足event的哈希值满足PoW的要求
uint64 nonce = 4;
有了PoW就足够了么? 仍然没有。
如果就每一个Event都需要达成一次共识, 速度会很慢

message Block {
uint64 nonce = 1;
uint64 number = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 3;
bytes previous_hash = 4;
bytes events_root = 5;
// state hash that after applying events inside this block
//sequentially, what the state hash looks like
bytes states_root = 6;
repeated Event events = 15;

新的Event, 需要加入一个number做为序列号来防止重放攻击。
为什么之前我们的Event里没有加这个? 因为之前Event是链起来的, 已经有了顺序。 而现在我们打包在一个区块里, 需要序号来避免重放攻击。
message Event {
string from = 1;
string to = 2;
uint64 total = 3;
bytes public_key = 4;
bytes signature = 5;
uint64 number = 10;
Let’s stop here and conceptualize things 回顾下概念
First of all, in blockchain world, an event is called transaction.
首先, 在区块链的世界里Event被称为transaction(事务)
block: a container contains a list of transactions.
区块: 是一系列transaction的容器
state: the up to date data that meaningful to an application. e.g. for a bank account, its state is the account owner and balance. state_root is the root hash of the entire merkle-tree based states.
状态: 对应用有意义的最新数据。 比如对于银行账号来说, 就是账号的所有者和帐户余额
transaction: an event that happened for a purpose, which could be applied to current state and generate new state. e.g. A transfer transaction could lead to the change of account balance.
事务: 为某个特定目的而发生的事件, 可以作用于当前状态然后产生新的状态。 比如, 转账的事务可以产生帐户余额的变化。
consensus: agreement on the order of transactions
共识: 就事务发生的顺序达成的一致认可。
miner: the node who solved PoW problem and distributed the block she generated.
旷工: 一个解决PoW算法问题的节点, 并将其产生的区块传播到网络。
merkle tree: a tree which every leaf node is labelled with hash of data and every none leaf node is labelled with the hash of the labels of its child nodes.
默克树: 是一棵树, 其叶子节点是数据的哈希值, 每一个非叶子结点是其子节点的哈希值
Thinking in block
A block is the minimum unit for consensus
A block is a tick in the blockchain world, it moves the blockchain world forward - so block number is the second for blockchain world
区块, 是区块链世界的时钟, 它推动着区块链世界向前迈进。 区块号, 则是区块链世界的秒。
in bitcoin, a “second” ~= 600 seconds human time
在比特比里, 一秒是人类时间的600秒左右
in ethereum, a “second” ~= 15 seconds human time
在以太坊里, 一秒是人类时间的15秒左右
And what is time?
Time is a strict progression of cause to effect
Time is irreversible: past events and states are there unchangeable
时间不可逆转: 过去的事件和状态是不可改变的。
What is blockchain time?
Block number (or height) is a strict progression of cause to effect. En + Sn-1 -> Sn
Block number is irreversible: past transactions and states are unchangeable*
区块编号不可逆转: 过去的事务和状态是不可改变的。
Public verifiable: recap 公开可验证回顾
hashing to the public key made sender/receiver of the event addressible
asymmetric encryption allows the event public verifiable
state_root in the events makes the internal state public verifiable
consensus algorithm like PoW make the order of the events public verifiable
类似PoW这样的共识算法, 使得事件发生的顺序公开可验证.
moving consensus to the block level made it practical to be public verifiable
将共识算法从事件粒度移到区块粒度, 使得公开可验证变得切实可行
We’ve made digital data public verifiable, so what’s the usage? 将数据变得公开可验证, 有什么用呢?
- 去中心化账本, 比如比特币
- 世界计算机, 比如以太坊
- 去中心化文件系统, 比如IPFS