1. The general logic: what - how - why, and How to share my research and findings. To be specific, I am gonna reflect from the following four parts.
1). the content: what the research about? what are the findings from the research?
2). Background: realistic issues, arguments on theories, discover unknows...
3). process: how to conduct the research step by step
4). significance: theory, application, methodology
1) 开场:相关文章都做了些什么
3) 再转折和递进: 忽略了什么?前进了什么?
4)终点:找到literature gap,再对literature gap定义它的价值,是补充或者推翻了现有的理论。
"Funneling" Model
Dynamic Capability —— “SSR” —— Sense/sensing
* What Facilitates Dynamic Capabilities? The Role of Organizational Climate for Trust.
Stav Fainshmidt, M. Lance Frazier
* 新时代呼唤管理理论创新——大卫·梯斯与动态能力理论
* The dynamic capabilities of firms: an introduction. Industrial and Corporate Change
Teece, D., Pisano, G., 1994.
* The foundations of enterprise performance: dynamic and ordinary capabilities in an (economic) theory of firms.
Teece, D.J., 2014.
* Dynamic capabilities and the role of managers in business strategy and economic performance.
Augier, M., Teece, D.J., 2009.