坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 21

坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 21

作者: 柒弟 | 来源:发表于2017-09-18 11:16 被阅读0次



    Not that I could tell a sycamore from a maple (枫树) or a birch(桦树) for that matter, but Juli, of course, knew what kind of tree it was and passed that knowledge along to(pass...along to sb给某人带话) every creature in her wake.

    So this tree, this sycamore tree, was up the hill on a vacant(空缺的) lot on Collier Street, and it was massive(大规模的). Massive and ugly. It was twisted(反常的,变态的) and gnarled(多节的,多瘤的) and bent(弯曲的),and I kept expecting the thing to blow over in the wind(随风消散).

    One day last year I'd finally had enough of her yakking about that stupied tree. I came right out and told her that it was not a magnificent(高贵的,珍贵的) sycamore, it was, in reality,the ugliest tree known to man. And you know what she said? She said I was visually challenged(视力障碍). Visually challenged! This from the girl who lives in a house that's the scourge(祸害,灾难) of the neighborhood.They've got bushes(灌木丛) growing over windows, weeds(水草) sticking out(伸出来) all over the place, and a barnyard's(农场院子) worth of animals running wild(荒凉). I'm talking dogs,cats,chickens,even snakes. I swear to God, her brothers have a boa constrictor in their room. They dragged me in there when I was about ten and made me watch it eat a rat(老鼠). A live, beady-eyed rat. They held that rodent up by its tail(尾巴) and gulp(吞咽),the boa swallowed(吞) it whole. That snake gave me nightmares(噩梦) for month.







          本文标题:坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 21
