

作者: 启萌生涯 | 来源:发表于2017-10-26 17:17 被阅读0次

Three wishes

  When I was five years old, my mom was always busy with everything, she was busy with work, with family... She was too busy to play with me. The only wish in that time is to let her stay with me. After that, I have a lot of small wishes,such as  having more pocket money, getting good score in exams… These wishes  revolve around me like stars. As I grow up, I thought these wishes are easy to achieve. I want a big challenge ,so there are three new wishes which I want to achieve.Maybe these desires are as far-fetched as dreams, but they are always in my mind. Here are my three dreams.

Frist of all, my first dream is making a film by myself. When I was ten years old,I went to the cinema watching “IRON MAN”,the light and the sound effect touched my heart deeply. I knew that fight or something else couldn’t come  true in the real life, but on screen, nothing is impissible.  The film is different from the book,which gives us space to imagine,and the movie is the story of an author ,then the director leads a team to make the story a reality and show it to others. The director needs a strong leading capacity and as much as possible knowledge. In my mind, I have lots of ideas to tell everyone. So, I need more time and chance to learn to be a movie director, absolutely it is very hard, but I want to prove China also can do well in the film industry and prove my ability to get my wish.

The second wish is that I am healthy in the future. As you know, making film needs lots of time and money. Importantly,as a director, you should have a good health.So it is important to have a healthy body.

The last wish is that I can remember my original intention after experiencing so much things. I don’t know what will happen in the future.  people always say that when we grow up many things will

Pass by us.The only thing I want to do is what I Iike,not for fame.This wish is like a lamp that will light my way when I am lost.

These are my three wishes. They may be easy for someone, but they are difficult for me. I have power because I have wish, these wishes are the reason why I want to live in this world. Those are my wishes, what about you?

By Amber. Wang


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