

作者: 上海王尔德 | 来源:发表于2016-12-01 10:18 被阅读19次




In many ways, the way we control and handle data will have to change. We're entering a world of constant datapdriven predictions where we may not be able to explain the reasons behind our decisions. What does it mean if a doctor cannot justify a medical intervention without asking the patient to defer to a black box, as the physician must do when relying on a big-data-driven diagnosis? Will the judicial system's standard of "probable cause" need to change to "probabilistic cause" - and if so, what are the implications of this for human freedom and dignity?

New principles are needed for the age of big data, which we lay out in Ch.9. Although they build upon the values that were developed and enshrined for the world of small data, it's not simply a matter of refreshing old rules for new circumstances, but recognizing the need for new principles altogether.

The benefits to society will be myriad, as big data becomes part of the solution to pressing global problems like addressing climate change, eradicating disease, and fostering good governance and economic development. But the big-data era also challenges us to become better prepared for the ways in which harnessing the technology will change our institutions and ourselves.

Big data marks an import step in humankind's quest to quantify and understand the world. A preponderance of things that could never be measured, stored, analyzed, and shred before is becoming datafied. Harnessing vast quantities of data rather than small portion, and privileging more data of less exactitude, opens the door to new ways of understanding. It leads society to abandon its time-honored preference for causality, and in many instances tap the benefits of correlation.

The ideal of identifying causal mechanisms is a selfp-congratulatoryillusion; big data overturns this. Yet again we are at a historical impasse where "god is dead". That is to say, the certainties that we believed in are once again changing. But this time they are being replaced, ironically, by better evidence. What role is left for intuition, faith, uncertainty, acting in contradiction of the evidence, and learning by experience? As the world shifts from causation to correlation, how can we pragmatically move forward without undermining the very foundations to explain where we are, trace how we got here, and offer an urgently needed guide to the benefits and dangers that lie ahead.


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