a dedication to my wife 致我妻子

a dedication to my wife 致我妻子

作者: 玫瑰与小鹿lzt | 来源:发表于2018-09-22 00:53 被阅读0次

    a dedication to my wife 致我妻子

    thomas stearns eilot

    to whom i owe the leaping delight

    that quickens my senses in our waking-time

    and the rhythm that governs the repose of our sleeping-time,

    the breathing in unison.

    of lovers whose bodies smell of each other

    who think the same thoughts without need of speech,

    and babble the same speech without need of meaning...

    no peevish winter wind shall chill

    no sullen tropic sun shall witherthe roses in the rose-garden

    which is ours and ours only

    but this dedication is for others to read:

    these are private words addressed to you in public.



          本文标题:a dedication to my wife 致我妻子
