
作者: 边浩飞 | 来源:发表于2017-03-04 23:45 被阅读0次


The pond Sam had discovered on that spring morning was seldom visited by any human being.


All winter, snow had covered the ice; the pond lay cold and still under its

white blanket.


Most of the time there wasn’t a sound to be heard. The frog was asleep. The chipmunk was asleep. Occasionally a jay would cry out. And sometimes at

night the fox would bark—a high, rasping bark. Winter seemed to last forever.


But one day a change came over the woods and the pond. Warm air, soft and kind, blew through the trees. The ice, which had softened during the night, began to

melt. Patches of open water appeared.



All the creatures that lived in the pond and in the woods were glad to feel the warmth. They heard and felt the breath of spring, and they stirred with new life and hope.


There was a good, new smell in the air, a smell of earth waking after its long sleep.


The frog, buried in the mud at the bottom of the pond, knew that spring was here. The chickadee knew and was delighted (almost everything delights a chickadee).

The vixen, dozing in her den, knew she would soon have kits. Every creature knew that a better, easier time was at hand—warmer days, pleasanter nights.

所有的小动物:The frog, the chickadee, the vixen知道春天来了,一个个也激动的不行了。本章节中有超级多的小动物名字,大家可以用昨天教大家的图片查单词法,大概了解一下,不用记住每一个。有孩子的可以尝试跟孩子分享。

Trees were putting out green buds; the buds were swelling.


Birds began arriving from the south.


A pair of ducks flew in. The Red-winged Blackbird arrived and scouted the pond for nesting sites. A small sparrow with a white throat arrived and sang, “Oh, sweet Canada, Canada, Canada!


在接下来的文字当中,作者用了很多的文字来描写我们的主角- Trumpeter Swan

They flew swiftly, their legs stretched out straight behind, their long white necks stretched out ahead, their powerful wings beating steady and strong.


When the birds spotted the pond, they began circling, looking the place over from the air. Then they glided down and came to rest in the water, folding their long wings

neatly along their sides and turning their heads this way and that to study their new surroundings.

circle - 盘旋

glide down - 滑翔

folding their long wings - 收起翅膀

turning their heads this way and that - 一下向这边,一下向那边

study their new surroundings - study 研究,观察,此处和后文中的investigate意思类似;surroundings 表示周遭环境,跟environment略有区别。

They paddled slowly about and then began feeding, thrusting their necks into

the shallow water and pulling roots and plants from the bottom.



In the spring of the year, nest-building is uppermost in a bird’s mind: it is the most important thing there is.

uppermost = most important


If she picks a good place, she stands a good chance of hatching her eggs and rearing her young. If she picks a poor place, she may fail to raise a family.

stand a good chance of - 表示“有极大成功的可能”,固定用法

hatch her eggs - 孵蛋

rear her young - 养育幼崽(young指代幼崽)

raise a family - 扶养家室(此处raise 和 rear 意思类似)


The two swans first investigated the upper end of the pond, where a stream flowed slowly in.

investigate - study 打探(后面有一个 snoop 窥探,这些意思类似的词,大家可以联想,放在一块看看,帮助记忆)


It was pleasant there, with reeds and bulrushes.  Red-winged Blackbirds were busy nesting in this part of the pond, and a pair of Mallard Ducks were courting.

池塘里有reeds, bulrushes



Then the swans swam to the lower end of the pond, a marsh with woods on one side

and a deer meadow on the other. It was lonely here. From one shore, a point of land extended out into the pond. It was a sandy strip, like a little peninsula. And at the tip

of it, a few feet out into the water, was a tiny island, hardly bigger than a dining table. One small tree grew on the island, and there were rocks and ferns and grasses.


extended out into- 延伸进

hardly bigger than = no bigger than

“Take a look at this!” exclaimed the female, as she swam round and around.

“Ko-hoh!” replied her husband, who liked to have someone ask his advice.


The swan stepped cautiously out onto the island. The spot seemed made to order—just right for a nesting place.

step out - 跨出

cautiously - 小心翼翼地

the spot seemed made to order - 表示这个地方好像已经提前被整理好了,就等他们来一样,order此处表示 “顺序,条理,规律”

“An ideal location!” he replied. “A perfect place! And I will tell you why it’s a perfect place,” he continued, majestically.

如果你不知道 ideal什么意思,往后看,看到perfect是不是有一种恍然大悟的感觉?

majestically - 庄严地(昂首挺胸的姿态)


And by that time we’d see him or hear him, and I would give him a hard time.

I would give him a hard time. 给他好看(给他点颜色看看)

请别在说 give you some colour to see see

The male stretched out his great wings, eight feet from tip to tip, and gave the water a mighty clout to show his strength.

from tip to tip - 指的是从这边翅膀的尖尖到那一边的尖尖

a mighty clout 如果你不知道什么意思,可以结合 to show his strength 来看,a mighty clout 就是为了展示力量的,那么在水中一直天鹅如何展示自己的力量呢?肯定是“用力地拍打翅膀”...

As husbands go, he was a good one.


这句话可以用在很多例子上:As mothers go, she was a good one. 作为妈妈,她已经很不错了。


First she squatted down in the place she had chosen. Then she twisted round and around, tamping the earth with her broad webbed feet, hollowing it out to make it like a saucer. Then she reached out and pulled twigs and grasses toward her and dropped them at her sides and under her tail, shaping the nest to her body.

squat down - 蹲下

twist - 转动

tamp - 夯实(大家如果见过盖房子打地基就知道什么意思了,其实就是把土压紧实。天鹅的为什么要这么做呢?)

broad webbed feet(宽大的脚掌):如下图。鸭子呀,天鹅呀,青蛙呀什么的,脚都是这样的。

hollow - 挖空,使突陷

She worked at the task for a couple of hours, then knocked off for the day and slid into the pond again, to take a drink and have lunch.

knock off - 中止,中断,休息

“A fine start!” said the cob, as he gazed back at the nest. “A perfect beginning! I don’t know how you manage it so cleverly.”

“It comes naturally,” replied his wife. “There’s a lot of work to it, but on the whole it is pleasant work.”


it comes naturally - 是本能呀,天生就这样呀

on the whole - 整体上,基本上

"Yes,” said the cob. “And when you’re done, you have something to show for your trouble—you have a swan’s nest, six feet across. What other bird can say that?”

这里的trouble并不是困难的意思,而是指 “那些挑刺的人”,从上下文可以发现雄天鹅说:你做的这么好,其他鸟类能说什么呢?还敢挑你的刺?

“Yes, but in that case it wouldn’t be a swan’s nest, it would be an eagle’s nest, and it would be high up in some old dead tree somewhere, instead of right down near the water, with all the conveniences that go with water.“

in that case - 那样的话

with all the conveniences that go with water - 傍水而居所带来的一切便利



