
作者: 不是猫 | 来源:发表于2017-10-01 23:53 被阅读0次




    ■If something guarantees something else, it makes certain that it will happen确保,使必然发生

    •[+ (that)] The £50 deposit guarantees(that)people return the boats after their hour has finished.50英镑的押金会确保人们在划完船后将船归还。

    ■If something is guaranteed to happen or have a particular result, it is certain that it will happen or have that result肯定…必然发生;肯定会有某种结果

    •[+toinfinitive] Just looking at a picture of the sea isguaranteedtomake me feel sick.哪怕是看一眼大海的图片,我都会有晕船的感觉。

    last-ditch attempt/effort

    ■an effort or attempt which is made at the end of a series of failures to solve a problem, and is not expected to succeed最后一招,最后一根救命稻草;孤注一掷

    •In alast-ditchattempt to save his party from electoral defeat, he resigned from the leadership.为了避免他所在的政党在大选中失利,他使出了最后一招——辞去了领导职务。

    if something, especially something bad, goes undetected, no one notices it

    go/remain undetected

    Doctors can make mistakes and diseases can remain undetected.

    The thieves escaped undetected through a basement window.

    nounonly singular

    ■a very short moment of time一瞬间,一刹那

    •They brought out guns and for a split second nobody moved.他们拔出了枪,刹那间没有人敢动。

    •We had to make a split-second (= very quick) decision.我们得迅速作出决定。



