MTK2523 Easy_PinMux_Tool_Users_G

MTK2523 Easy_PinMux_Tool_Users_G

作者: 体感互动 | 来源:发表于2017-11-02 14:53 被阅读0次

    1. Overview

    MediaTek Easy PinMux Tool (EPT) is a convenient and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) to configure pin multiplexor (PinMux) and supported driver settings for MediaTek MT25x3 and MT76x7 HDKs. The tool provides modes  and options for each PinMux and enables customized settings for I/O characteristics according to design requirements.

    Once configured, all settings can be saved as a workspace file, which can be reloaded to restore the state of the tool  settings. The results can also be output as C header and source files.

    1.1. Environment

    The EPT tool can be used on any edition of Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.

    1.2. Configuring your device with the EPT To use the tool:

    1) Launch the executable (ept.exe) under EPT tool package folder. Create a new workspace or open an existing one, and edit it according to requirements, see section 1.2.1, “Workspace file options”, for more details.

    2) Apply user settings, see section 2, “Driver Settings”, for more details on how to configure the I/O parameters and PinMux settings.

    3) In Gen menu click GenCode to generate a source code of the driver stored under \output\25x3(76x7) folder of the tool. The main GUI is shown in Figure 1 and Figure

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          本文标题:MTK2523 Easy_PinMux_Tool_Users_G
