科普:音乐助阵 数学封神

科普:音乐助阵 数学封神

作者: 槑焁 | 来源:发表于2023-11-29 17:23 被阅读0次

    Does Music Help You With Math?

    From https://wonderopolis.org

    Have you ever noticed that some songs start with a "one, two, three, four"? You can hear it in songs by artists as different as The Beatles, OutKast, and Taylor Swift. But why are they counting? The counting you hear is a small clue to a big fact— math is behind almost everything in music!

    你有没有注意到有些歌曲的开头是“一、二、三、四”?你可以在披头士、OutKast 和泰勒-斯威夫特等不同歌手的歌曲中听到这种现象。 但他们为什么要数数呢? 你所听到的数数是一个大的事实背后的小线索--音乐中几乎所有的东西背后都有数学的影子!

    First, let's start with "counting in." Musicians will often count (aloud or in their heads) to make sure that they all start the song at the same time. Once they start together, everyone has to stay on the same beat.

    首先,让我们从 ”数数” 开始。音乐家们通常会(大声地或在心里)数,以确保他们都在同一时间开始唱歌。一旦他们一起开始,每个人都必须保持在同一个节拍上。

    Every song has a steady beat, like the beat of a drum. Some songs have a faster or slower beat than others. This is called the tempo. It comes from the Latin word for time, "tempus". The tempo tells us how fast or slow a song is. One of the first ways that young children can start to learn math ideas is by learning how to make a steady beat!

    每首歌都有一个稳定的节拍,就像鼓点一样。有些歌曲的节拍比其他歌曲快或慢。这就是节奏。 它来源于拉丁语中的时间一词 “tempus”。节奏告诉我们一首歌的快慢。 小孩子开始学习数学概念的第一个方法就是学习如何打出稳定的节拍!

    We can also string notes together to make songs. Songs create patterns with notes. Many songs repeat the same pattern of notes over and over. Think of "Twinkle, Twinkle," for example. Other songs will change the pattern just a little each time.

    我们还可以将音符串联起来谱成歌曲。歌曲用音符创造图案。许多歌曲都在重复相同的音符模式。比如“一闪一闪亮晶晶”。 而其他歌曲每次都会稍微改变一下音符的模式。

    It would make sense that learning music could help you with math, or knowing math could help you get better at music. Music is good for our brains, whether or not it makes us better at math. Playing music uses several parts of your brain at the same time. Musicians need to use their brains to see the music, hear the notes, and touch the instrument in just the right ways to make sounds. And their brains have to organize all that information very quickly! Learning music is great exercise for our brains.





          本文标题:科普:音乐助阵 数学封神
