我创建的“山寨版docker registry image”

我创建的“山寨版docker registry image”

作者: My熊猫眼 | 来源:发表于2019-09-23 15:14 被阅读0次

本想基于busybox + source code of registry 来构建自己的"registry" docker image, 但是苦于找不到“registry" source code,所以从官方的 registry image里面把registry相关的文件提取出来,结合busybox来实现一个山寨版的“registry" image.

  1. 既然这里是折腾,就不用official 的busybox docker image了,而是用busybox这个工具来自己构建:
    下载busybox 的二进制文件,这里使用1.28.1的版本的busybox,URL为:
[root@localhost ~]# wget https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.28.1-defconfig-multiarch/busybox-x86_64
--2019-09-21 22:57:09--  https://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.28.1-defconfig-multiarch/busybox-x86_64
Resolving busybox.net (busybox.net)...
Connecting to busybox.net (busybox.net)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1001112 (978K)
Saving to: ‘busybox-x86_64’

100%[======================================>] 1,001,112    660KB/s   in 1.5s
2019-09-21 22:57:12 (660 KB/s) - ‘busybox-x86_64’ saved [1001112/1001112]
  1. 利用busybox 生成系统指令(本质上就是创建系统指令的软链接),命令如下:
[root@localhost docker_study]# ls
[root@localhost docker_study]# for i in `./busybox --list-full`;do mkdir -p `dirname $i`;done
[root@localhost docker_study]# find . -type d
[root@localhost docker_study]#  for i in `./busybox --list-full`;do ln -s /root/docker_study/busybox  $i;done
  1. 通过以上两步,关于busybox的工作就完成了;下面从official的registry image中,把registry相关文件弄出来,放到当前的/root/docker_study/对应目录下;
#通过docker pull registry 下载official registry, 这里忽略过程;
[root@localhost docker_study]# docker images | grep registry
docker.io/registry                  latest              f32a97de94e1        6 months ago        25.8 MB
[root@localhost docker_study]# 
#交互模式运行registry 容器,看看里面的文件结构;
[root@localhost docker_study]# docker run -it registry /bin/sh
/ # du -hsx /* | grep -Evi ^0
19.9M   /bin
4.0K    /entrypoint.sh
792.0K  /etc
2.7M    /lib
4.0K    /root
224.0K  /sbin
1.6M    /usr
/ # which registry
/ # 
#用到的目录会有: /etc, /lib, /usr 以及 /bin/registry这个命令;
/ # exit
#创建目录,并mount到registry 容器里面
[root@localhost docker_study]# mkdir -p lib etc usr
[root@localhost docker_study]# ls
bin  busybox  etc  lib  linuxrc  sbin  usr  
[root@localhost docker_study]# docker run -it -v /root/docker_study/etc:/mnt/etc -v /root/docker_study/lib:/mnt/lib -v /root/docker_study/usr:/mnt/usr  -v /root/docker_study/bin:/mnt/bin  registry /bin/sh
#copy 相应数据到对应的目录下,然后退出registry 容器;
/ # cd /mnt
/mnt # cp -ar /etc/* etc/
/mnt # cp -ar /lib/* lib/
/mnt # cp -ar /usr/lib  usr/
/mnt # cp -ar /usr/local  usr/
/mnt # cp -ar /usr/share  usr/
/mnt # cp -a /bin/registry bin/
/mnt # du -hsx *
19.2M   bin
808.0K  etc
2.7M    lib
1.1M    usr
/mnt # exit
[root@localhost docker_study]# du -hsx *
20M bin
980K    busybox
808K    etc
2.8M    lib
0   linuxrc
4.0K    sbin
1.2M    usr
  1. 至此,这个山寨版的registry运行条件应该已经具备了,模仿 official的registry, 我这里还需要一个ENTRYPOINT的运行脚本;查看原始的entrypoint.sh脚本内容如下:

set -e

case "$1" in
    *.yaml|*.yml) set -- registry serve "$@" ;;
    serve|garbage-collect|help|-*) set -- registry "$@" ;;

exec "$@"

在这里不做太多的修改,仅仅加上一个输出提示,以表明该image并不是official image. 修改后的my_entry.sh 内容如下:

[root@localhost docker_study]# cat my_entry.sh
echo "This image not official image, it just created for study purpose only. Suggest to use the official image."
set -e
case "$1" in
    *.yaml|*.yml) set -- registry serve "$@" ;;
    serve|garbage-collect|help|-*) set -- registry "$@" ;;
exec "$@"
[root@localhost docker_study]# ls 
bin  busybox  etc  lib  linuxrc  my_entry.sh  sbin  usr
[root@localhost docker_study]# 
  1. 编写dockerfile。
#首先把/root/docker_study/目录下的所有内容打包, 这个目录下的内容对应image的根目录下的内容;
[root@localhost docker_study]#tar -czvf registry_Busybox-Based.tar.gz  *
[root@localhost docker_study]# ls 
bin  busybox  etc  lib  linuxrc  my_entry.sh  registry_Busybox-Based.tar.gz  sbin  usr
[root@localhost docker_study]# 
#编写dockerfile, 内容如下:
[root@localhost docker_study]# cat dockerfile 
FROM scratch
ADD ./registry_Busybox-Based.tar.gz  /
ENV PATH "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
CMD ["/etc/docker/registry/config.yml"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/my_entry.sh"]
VOLUME ["/var/my_registry_of_docker/"]
[root@localhost docker_study]# 
  1. 创建image之后发现无法进入交互模式,提示找不到文件,这是因为前面使用for语句创建软链接的时候,指定的绝对路径是在当前的工作目录,而在生成image 之后,没有文件: /root/docker_study/busybox 的存在导致;这里为了方便,就创建相应目录来解决这个问题:
[root@localhost docker_study]# mkdir -p root/docker_study/
[root@localhost docker_study]# ls
[root@localhost docker_study]# cp busybox root/docker_study/ 
#重新进行docker build.
[root@localhost docker_study]# ls
bin  busybox  etc  lib  linuxrc  my_entry.sh  root  sbin  usr
[root@localhost docker_study]# tar -czvf  registry_Busybox-Based.tar.gz  *  #首先打包
[root@localhost docker_study]# ls   #确保dockerfile文件存在;
bin  busybox  dockerfile  etc  lib  linuxrc  my_entry.sh  registry_Busybox-Based.tar.gz  root  sbin  usr
[root@localhost docker_study]# 
[root@localhost docker_study]# docker build -t my_registry:latest .
[root@localhost docker_study]# docker history my_registry
IMAGE               CREATED             CREATED BY                                      SIZE                COMMENT
7e2e4bacdba2        13 minutes ago      /bin/sh -c #(nop)  VOLUME [[/var/my_regist...   0 B                 
ca1a6d91d22e        13 minutes ago      /bin/sh -c #(nop)  EXPOSE 5000/tcp              0 B                 
8d3b2436a2bf        13 minutes ago      /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENTRYPOINT ["/my_entry....   0 B                 
d1df6093e6e1        13 minutes ago      /bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["/etc/docker/regis...   0 B                 
390cd88b4b7e        13 minutes ago      /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV PATH=/bin:/sbin:/us...   0 B                 
67e144ff97d2        13 minutes ago      /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:431579de83e57dc...   26.3 MB             
fa295bddff92        13 minutes ago      /bin/sh -c #(nop)  MAINTAINER PandaEye          0 B                 
[root@localhost docker_study]# 
  1. 运行my_registry 容器,verify 容器可以正常启动;
[root@localhost docker_study]# docker run -d my_registry
[root@localhost docker_study]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
538c1e1ed07d        my_registry         "/my_entry.sh /etc..."   3 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds                5000/tcp            agitated_kare
36b1a8768da1        my_registry         "/my_entry.sh /bin/sh"   15 minutes ago      Exited (0) 15 minutes ago                       laughing_beaver





    本文标题:我创建的“山寨版docker registry image”
