

作者: 陆满庭 | 来源:发表于2020-12-24 10:26 被阅读0次

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    What is RO (reverse osmosis)-water?


    【单词】reverse [ri-'vurs][rɪ'vɜːs] adj. 相反的;反面的;颠倒的

    【单词】osmosis [oz-'moh-sis, os-][ɒz'məʊsɪs] n. 渗透;渗透性

    Osmosis is when water (or another solvent) flows from an area of low concentration to high concentration.


    【单词】solvent ['sol-vuhnt]['sɒlvənt] n. 溶剂

    【单词】flows 原型:flow [floh][fləʊ] vi. 流动;涌出

    【单词】concentration [kon-suhn-'trey-shuhn][ˌkɒnsen'treɪʃən] n. 集中;专心;浓度

    For example, say you put salt in your drink and it falls to the bottom, the bottom of the glass is highly concentrated in salt, so the salt over time disperses to the top so that there's an equal amount in the whole glass.


    【短语】for example 例如;例句:You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas, for example. 你可以在这里买水果,例如买柑橘和香蕉。

    【短语】over time 随着时间的过去,久而久之,超时;例句:Over time, the service learns what you like to read and will personalize its news suggestions for you. 随着时间的推移,这项服务会了解到你喜欢阅读哪类内容,并为你提供个性化的新闻建议。

    【单词】salt [sawlt][sɔːlt] n. 盐;刺激;盐类

    【单词】drink [dringk][drɪŋk] n. 饮料;酒

    【单词】bottom ['bot-uh m]['bɒtəm] n. 底部;底端 adj. 底部的

    【单词】glass [glas, glahs][ɡlɑːs] n. 玻璃;玻璃杯;玻璃制品

    【单词】highly ['hahy-lee]['haɪli] adv. 高度地;很;非常

    【单词】concentrated 原型:concentrate ['kon-suhn-treyt]['kɒnsntreɪt] v. 专心;集中;浓缩

    【单词】disperses [dih-'spurs][dɪ'spɜːs] v. 分散;散开

    【单词】equal ['ee-kwuhl]['iːkwəl] adj. 相等的;平等的

    This requires no energy so we say it happens passively.


    【单词】requires 原型:require [ri-'kwahyuhr][rɪ'kwaɪə] v. 要求;需要

    【单词】happens 原型:happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现

    【单词】passively ['pas-iv]['pæsɪvli] adv. 被动地;顺从地

    In reverse osmosis, we want something that's already high concentration to get even more highly concentrated.


    The best example is water desalination, where we want to take salt out of seawater to make it drinkable.


    【单词】desalination [ˌdiːˌsælɪ'neɪʃn] n. 脱盐(作用)

    【单词】seawater ['see-waw-ter, -wot-er]['siːwɒtə] n. 海水

    【单词】drinkable ['dring-kuh-buhl]['drɪŋkəbl] adj. 可饮用的;好喝的

    We want the water to flow from area of high concentration (seawater) to area of low concentration (purified water).


    【单词】purified 原型:purify ['pyoor-uh-fahy]['pjʊərɪfaɪ] v.

    Its like trying to undo putting salt in water.


    【单词】undo [uhn-'doo][ʌn'duː] v. 解开;松开;取消

    This requires energy to do, so call this an active process.


    【单词】active ['ak-tiv]['æktɪv] adj. 活跃的;积极的;起作用的;灵活的

    We need energy to do this.


    Osmosis: if you have salty water and fresh water separated by a filter, the salty water will suck up more water (from the fresh side) in order to dilute the salt.


    【用法】in order to 意为“为了……”,表示目的;在用法和意义上相当于so as to结构,但是in order to结构可以用于句首、句中,而so as to多用于句中。其否定式分别为:in order not to 和so as not to。in order to在句中表示目的时,常可以转化成in order that。如:We should work hard in order to pass the exam.=We should work hard in order that we can pass the exam.

    【单词】salty ['sawl-tee]['sɔːlti] adj. 咸的

    【单词】fresh [fresh][freʃ] adj. 新鲜的;清新的;新近的

    【单词】separated 原型:separate ['sep-uh-reyt]['sepərət] v. 分开;隔开;区分

    【单词】filter ['fil-ter]['fɪltə] n. 过滤器

    【单词】suck [suhk][sʌk] vt. 啜;吸入;吸收 vi. 吸;吸收

    【单词】dilute [dih-'loot, dahy-][daɪ'luːt] vt. 稀释;冲淡

    Salt, sand, dirt, etc., have a tendency to absorb water.


    【单词】sand [sand][sænd] n. 沙;沙子

    【单词】dirt [durt][dɜːt] n. 污垢;泥土;灰尘

    【单词】etc. [ˌet'setərə] et cetra(=and so on) 等等,及其他

    【单词】tendency ['ten-duhn-see]['tendənsi] n. 趋势;倾向;秉性

    【单词】absorb [ab-'sawrb, -'zawrb][əb'sɔːb] vt. 吸收;吞并;承受

    Reverse Osmosis is when you have salty water, or water with sand, dirt, impurities in it, but you apply pressure to force the water OUT through the filter, and purify it despite the fact that salt, dirt, etc. want to absorb water not release it.


    【单词】impurities 原型:impurity [im-'pyoor-i-tee][ɪm'pjʊərəti] n. 不纯;杂质

    【单词】apply [uh-'plahy][ə'plaɪ] vt. 应用;涂

    【单词】purify ['pyoor-uh-fahy]['pjʊərɪfaɪ] v. 精华

    【单词】release [ri-'lees][rɪ'liːs] n. 释放

    The pressure forces the water out, kinda like squeezing a wet towel or wet sand etc.


    【单词】squeezing 原型:squeeze [skweez][skwiːz] v. 挤压;塞进;压榨;设法腾出

    【单词】towel ['tou-uh l, toul]['taʊəl] n. 毛巾;手巾

    People who eat lots of sugar tend to have bad teeth.


    【用法】tend to表示“朝某方向;趋向;偏重”,后面接动词原形。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出错。

    【单词】teeth 原型:tooth [tooth][tuːθ] n. 牙齿;齿状物

    Vegetables are good for teeth.


    【单词】Vegetables 原型:vegetable ['vej-tuh-buh l, 'vej-i-tuh-]['vedʒtəbl] n. 蔬菜;植物

    Flouride works in toothpaste by being a wash for the teeth in which it deposits itself.


    【单词】toothpaste ['tooth-peyst]['tuːθpeɪst] n. 牙膏

    【单词】deposits 原型:deposit [dih-'poz-it][dɪ'pɒzɪt] v. 放置;(使)沉淀;存储

    Does this work similarly with vegetables?


    【单词】similarly ['sim-uh-ler]['sɪmələli] adv. 相似地;类似地

    Eating, for instance, a high calcium diet would promote healthy teeth because the calcium is washed directly on the teeth while chewing?


    【单词】instance ['in-stuhns]['ɪnstəns] n. 例子;场合;情况;要求;诉讼程序 vt. 举例说明

    【单词】calcium ['kal-see-uhm]['kælsiəm] n. 钙

    【单词】diet ['dahy-it]['daɪət] n. 日常食物;规定饮食;节食

    【单词】promote [pruh-'moht][prə'məʊt] vt. 促进;提升

    【单词】healthy ['hel-thee]['helθi] adj. 健康的

    【单词】directly [dih-'rekt-lee, dahy-][də'rektli] adv. 直接地;立即;正好地;完全 conj. <英>一...就...

    【单词】chewing 原型:chew [choo][tʃuː] v. 咀嚼

    Or does calcium and other required minerals/nutrients for teeth come from the wash of your saliva, and as such it requires that you ingest calcium and have it transported to the saliva producing glands?


    【单词】saliva [suh-'lahy-vuh][sə'laɪvə] n. 唾液

    【单词】ingest [in-'jest][ɪn'dʒest] v. 咽下;摄取

    【单词】transported 原型:transport [trans-'pawrt]['trænspɔːt] v. 运输;传播

    【单词】glands 原型:gland [gland][ɡlænd] n. 腺

    Flouride in water is supposed to help teeth.


    【用法】be supposed to中的to是动词不定式符号,后接动词原形,主语为物时,它表示“本应;本该”,用于表示某事本应该发生而没有发生。它还可以用来表示 “被认为是,被相信是”。

    【单词】supposed 原型:suppose [suh-'pohz][sə'pəʊz] vt. 假设;假定;认为;想;应该;让(虚拟语气) vi. 推测

    It is also naturally found in water in some places.


    【单词】naturally ['nach-er-uh-lee]['nætʃrəli] adv. 自然地;天生地

    RO removes practically everything, meaning it has zero value.


    【单词】removes 原型:remove [ri-'moov][rɪ'muːv] v. 消除;脱掉

    【单词】practically ['prak-tik-lee]['præktɪkli] adv. 实际上;几乎;简直

    Does the lack of traces of calcium and flouride from the water make the water less healthy for a human?


    【单词】traces 原型:trace [treys][treɪs] n. 痕迹;微量;踪迹

    What about a plant?


    【单词】plant [plant, plahnt][plɑːnt] n. 植物

    Is it possible to just wash away all the soil nutrients in a potted plant by using RO water, since the water will not come from the ground and thus will contain no calcium, phosphorus, or nitrogen?


    【单词】soil [soil][sɔɪl] n. 土地;土壤;污物,粪便 v. 弄污

    【单词】nutrients 原型:nutrient ['noo-tree-uhnt, 'nyoo-]['njuːtriənt] n. 营养物;营养品

    【单词】potted 原型:pot [pot][pɒt] n. 罐;壶,盆

    【单词】ground [ground][ɡraʊnd] n. 地面;地方

    【单词】contain [kuhn-'teyn][kən'teɪn] vt. 容纳;包含;抑制;克制 vi. 自制

    【单词】phosphorus ['fos-fer-uhs]['fɒsfərəs] n. 磷

    【单词】nitrogen ['nahy-truh-juhn]['naɪtrədʒən] n. 氮

    In this instance, it seems comical to use RO water over ground water from a hose for plant watering, and then bring back the nutrients with a bottle of NPK mix, kind of like bleaching bread white and then bringing back the nutritional value with vitamin enriching.


    【单词】comical ['kom-i-kuhl]['kɒmɪkl] adj. 好笑的

    【单词】hose [hohz][həʊz] n. 水管;橡皮软管

    【单词】bottle ['bot-l]['bɒtl] n. 瓶子

    【单词】mix [miks][mɪks] v. 混合;掺入;合成;联系;融合;介入

    【单词】bleaching 原型:bleach [bleech][bliːtʃ] v. 变白;漂白

    【单词】bread [bred][bred] n. 面包

    【单词】nutritional [noo-'trish-uhn, nyoo-][nju'trɪʃənl] adj. 营养的;滋养的

    【单词】vitamin ['vahy-tuh-min; British also 'vit-uh-min]['vɪtəmɪn] n. 维生素

    【单词】enriching 原型:enrich [en-'rich][ɪn'rɪtʃ] vt. 使富足;使肥沃;使丰富

    【专有名词】NPK NPK =Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium 氮磷钾肥

    No, water is water.


    On submarines, US Navy personnel drink RO filtered water for months without problems.


    【单词】submarines 原型:submarine [suhb-muh-'reen][ˌsʌbmə'riːn] n. 潜水艇 adj. 海面下的

    【单词】personnel [pur-suh-'nel][ˌpɜːsə'nel] n. 职员;人事部门

    【专有名词】US Navy 美国海军

    To get the mineral equivalent of one multivitamin you need to drink 600 gallons of mineral water.


    【单词】mineral ['min-er-uhl, 'min-ruhl]['mɪnərəl] n. 矿物

    【单词】equivalent [ih-'kwiv-uh-luh nt][ɪ'kwɪvələnt] adj. 等价的 相等的 n. 相等物

    【单词】multivitamin [muhl-ti-'vahy-tuh-min][ˌmʌlti'vɪtəmɪn] n. 多种维他命剂

    【单词】gallons 原型:gallon ['gal-uhn]['ɡælən] n. 加仑(容量单位),一加仑约为3.8升

    The amount of minerals in that expensive perrier is miniscule and hardly even worth noting compared to the minerals you get from food.


    【单词】minerals 原型:mineral ['min-er-uhl, 'min-ruhl]['mɪnərəl] n. 矿物

    【单词】expensive [ik-'spen-siv][ɪk'spensɪv] adj. 昂贵的;高价的

    【单词】perrier 名词 perrier n. 毕雷矿泉水;巴黎水(法国南部产的一种冒泡的矿泉水) ,巴黎水是一种天然有气矿泉水。

    【单词】miniscule ['min-uh-skyool, mi-'nuhs-kyool]['mɪnɪskjuːl] adj. 草写小字的;小字的 =minuscule.

    【单词】hardly ['hahrd-lee]['hɑːdli] adv. 几乎不;简直不;刚刚

    【单词】compared 原型:compare [kuh m-'pair][kəm'peə] v. 比较;对比

    With potted plants it is possible to wash it away, but it would need a lot of very, very heavy watering to do so.


    【单词】heavy ['hev-ee]['hevi] adj. 大(量)的;重的;沉重的;猛烈的

    RO water has a slightly lower than normal lethal dose compared to normal water, but you aren't going to ever drink that much either way.


    【单词】slightly [slahyt]['slaɪtli] adv. 些微地;稍微;瘦小地

    【单词】lethal ['lee-thuhl]['liːθl] adj. 致命的;危险的;有效的

    【单词】dose [dohs][dəʊs] n. 剂量;一剂;一服

    Lack of trace minerals does nothing unless you reach the lethal dose point, in which case they make it a tiny bit lower.


    【单词】unless [uhn-'les, uhn-][ən'les] conj. 除非;如果不 prep. 除 ... 外

    【单词】reach [reech][riːtʃ] v. 到达;伸出;达成

    【单词】tiny ['tahy-nee]['taɪni] adj. 极小的;微小的



