L3.U1.P4:Christina's Future Plan

L3.U1.P4:Christina's Future Plan

作者: 六五七的趣能星球 | 来源:发表于2022-12-07 15:49 被阅读0次

    Christina's Future Plans 2 克里斯蒂娜的未来计划 2

    Christina’s parents want her to marry and have children. 克里斯蒂娜的父母希望她结婚生子。

    They are (looking) forward to (having) grandchildren.(R) 他们盼望有孙辈。

    They don’t want her to start her own business. 他们不想让她自己创业。

    They think it’s more important to have children.(R) 他们认为有孩子更重要。

    In fact, they would like her to live closer to them. 事实上,他们希望她住得离他们近一些。

    They want to be close to their grandchildren.他们想要和他们的孙辈们在一起。

    Q:What are Christina's parents looking forward to? They are looking forward to having grandchildren.  什么是克里斯蒂娜的父母所盼望的?他们盼望有孙辈。

    So Christina doesn’t plan to tell her parents everything. 所以克里斯蒂娜不打算把一切都告诉父母。

    For now, she just wants them to meet her boyfriend. 现在,她只是想让他们见见她的男朋友。

    She wants them to be happy that she is going to get married. 她希望他们因为她要结婚而高兴。

    She wants them to like him and see her happiness. 她希望他们喜欢他,看到她的幸福。

    She wants her parents to accept her way of life.(R) 她希望她的父母接受她的生活方式。

    Life isn’t the (same) now as it (used) to be. 现在的生活和过去不一样了。

    Times are changing.时代在改变。

    Q:What is Christina want her parents to do for now? She just wants them to meet her boyfriend.  什么是克里斯蒂娜现在想让她父母做的?她只想让他们见见她男朋友。

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