- Implementing a toy Photoshop with C++ and Qt
Built an user-friendly UI
- Zoom in/out, cut/copy/paste, resize, rotate.
- Undo.
- Addition/Subtraction/Multiply operations on image.
- Observation/Copy the RGB value of any point.
- Mosaic.
- Color Channel split, color toning in HSV,pseudo-color.
- Transform RGB image into a Grayscale image.
- Transform Grayscale image into a binary one(Otus Algorithm).
- Make histogram and histogram equalization.
- Image filter with given kernel(Box/Median/Gaussian) or self-defined kernel
- Edge detection(sobel/laplace/canny)
- Hough Transform
- Mophology operations:dilation, erosion, open, close, thinning, thickening, distance, skeleton, skeleton reconstruction.
- Watershed algorithm.