知识点62 :S字母开头的单词 squash-strive

知识点62 :S字母开头的单词 squash-strive

作者: 相关知情人士 | 来源:发表于2017-05-23 19:19 被阅读0次


  1. If someone or something is squashed, they are pressed or crushed with such force that they become injured or lose their shape
  2. If people or things are squashed into a place, they are put or pushed into a place where there is not enough room for them to be in
  3. If you squash something that is causing you trouble, you put a stop to it, often by force
  4. A squash is one of a family of vegetebles that have thick skin and soft or firm flesh inside
  5. Squash is a game in which two players hit a small rubber ball against the walls of a court using rackets
  6. To quell opposition or violent behavior means to stop it
  7. If you quell an unpleasant feeling such as fear or anger, you stop yourselft or other people from having that feeling
  8. If someone subjugates a group of people, they take complete control of them, especially by defeating them in a war
  9. If your wishes or desires are subjugated to something, they are treated as less important than that thing

lash: 鞭打

  1. Your lashes are the hairs that grow on the edge of your upper and lower eyelids
  2. If you lash two or more things together, you tie one of them firmly to the other
  3. If wind, rain, or water lashes someone or something, it hits them violently
  4. If someone lashes you or lashes into you, they speak very angrily to you, criticizing you or saying you have done something wrong
  5. A lash is a blow with a whip, especially a low on someone’sback as a punishment
    bash: 重击
  6. A bash is a party or celevration, especially a large one held by an official organization or attended by famous people
  7. If someone bashes you, they attack you by hitting or puncing you hard.
  8. If you bash something, you hit it hard in a rough or careless way
  9. When people clash, they fight, argue, or disagree with each other
  10. Beliefs, ideas, or qualities that clash with each other are very different from each other and therefore are opposed
  11. If one colour or style clashes with another, the colours or styles look ugly together. You can also say that two colour or styles clash
  12. If one event clashes with another, the two events happen at the same time so that you cannot attend both of them
  13. A crash is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed
  14. A crash is a sudden, loud noise
  15. If a moving vehicle or if the driver crashes, it hits something and is damaged or destroyed
  16. If something crashes somewhere, it moves and hits something else violently, making a loud noise
  17. If a business or financial system crashes, it fails suddenly, often with serious effects
  18. If a computer or a computer program crashes, it fails suddenly
  19. If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example, when it is hit or dropped
  20. If you smash through a wall, gate, or door, you get through it by hitting and breaking it
  21. If something smashes or is smashed against something solid, it moves very fast and with great force against it
  22. To smash a political group or system means to deliberately destroy it
    If you mash food that is solid but soft, you crush it so that it forms a soft mass
  23. If someone or something is squashed, they are pressed or crushed with such force that they become injured or lose their shape
  24. If people or things are squashed into a place, they are put or pushed in to a place where there is not enough room for them to be
  25. If you squash something that is causing you troublem, you put a stop to it, often by force
  26. A squash is one of a family of vegetables that have thick skin and soft or firm flesh inside
  27. Squash is a game in which two players hit a small rubber ball against the walls of a court using rackets
  28. If a court or someone in authority quashes a decision or judgment, they officially reject it
  29. If someone quashes romours, they say or do something to demonstrate that the rumours are not true
  30. To quash a rebellion or protest means to stop it, often involved in quashing demonstrations
  31. If you stash something valuable in a secret place, you store it there to keep it safe
  32. A stash of something valuable is secret store of it
  33. If you slash something, you make a long, deep cut in it.
  34. If you slash at a person or thing, you quickly hit at them with something such as a knife
  35. To slash something such as costs or jobs means to reduce them by a large amount
  36. A slash is a sloping line that separates letters, words, or numbers, for example, in 340/2/K

To cause to feel ill at ease, embarrassed, or confused, make ashamed

A statute is a rule or law which has been made by a government or other organization and formally written down


  1. You can refer to countries as states, particularly when you are discussing politics
  2. Some large countries such as the U.S are divided into smaller ares called states
  3. The U.S. is sometimes referred to as the States
  4. You can refer to the government of a country as the state
  5. State industries or organizations are financed and organized by the government rather than private companies
  6. A state occasion is a formal one involving the head of a country
  7. When you talk about the state of someone or something, you are reffering to the condition they are in or what they are like at a particular time
  8. If you state something, you say o write it in a formal or definite way
  9. If you say that someone is not in a fit state to do something, you mean that they are too upset or ill to do it
  10. If the dead body of an important person lies in state, it is publicly displayed for a few days before ti is buried
  11. A figure is a particular amount expressed as a number, especially a statistic
  12. A figure is any of the ten written symbols from 0 to 9 that are used to represent a number
  13. You refer to someone that you can see as a figure when you cannot see them clearly or when you are describing them
  14. In art, a figure is a person in a drawing or a paiting, or a statue of a person
  15. If a person, a country, or an organization has prestige, they are admired and respected because of the position they hold or the things they have achieved
  16. Prestige is used to describe products, places, or activities that people admire because they are associated with being rich or having a high social position


  1. If a condition or problem stems from something, it was caused originally by that thing
  2. If you stem something, you stop it spreading, increasing, or continuing
  3. The stem of a plant if the thin, upright part on which the flowers and leaves grow

If you are stymied by something, you find it very difficult to take action or to continue what you are doing

  1. A stunt is something interesting that is done in order to attract attention and get publicity for the person or company responsible for it
  2. A stunt is a dangerous and exceting piece of action in a movie
  3. If something stunts the growth or development of a person or thing, it prevents it from growing or developing as much as it should
  4. A staunch supporter or believer is very loyal to a person, organization, or set of beliefs, and supports them strongly
  5. Solid or substantial in construction
  6. If something such as business or society is stagnant, there is little activity or change
  7. Stagnant water is not flowing, and therefore often smells upleasant and is dirty
    Stasis is a state in which something remains the same, and does not change or develop
  8. Your stance on a particular matter is your attitude to it
  9. Your stance is the way that you are standing


  1. A stint is a period of time which you spend doing a particular job or activity or working in a particular place
  2. To be frugal or miserly towards someone with something
  3. To stink mean to smell very bad
  4. If you say that something stinks, you mean that you disapprove of it because it involves ideas, feelings, or practices that you do not like
  5. If someone makes a stink about something they are angry about, they show their anger in order to make people take notice


  1. If someone strays somewhere, they wander away from where they are supposed to be
  2. A stray dog or cat has wandered away from its own’s home
  3. If your mind or your eyes stray, you do not concentrate on or look at one particular subject, but start thinking about or looking at other things
  4. You use stray to describe something that exsists separated from other similar things
  5. If you are led astray by someone or something, you behave badly or foolishly because of them
  6. If someone or something leads you astray, they make you believe something that is not true, causing you to make a wrong decision
  7. If something goes astray, it gets lost while it is being taken or sent somewhere

strive v.努力,奋斗
If you strive to do something or strive for something, you make a great effort to do it or get it



      本文标题:知识点62 :S字母开头的单词 squash-strive
