懂你 L4-U1-4-Listening-QuickServe2

懂你 L4-U1-4-Listening-QuickServe2

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-09-04 21:21 被阅读133次

流利说 D69 2018-09-04 一









  • Listening-QuickServe 2.0"+2

1、It was established 5 years ago and has been expanding rapidly.
2、In the last two years, it has opened offices in 3 new cities.
3、The total number of employees in the company is now over 500.
4、If they choose to buy a new one, they will get a discounted price.
5、To upgrade something means to add features or quality.
6、If they buy a new one, they will get a discounted price, along with free installation.
7、Its word-of-mouth approach to advertising has been cost effective.
8、Feedback from customers has been positive.
9、Their growing relationship
10、Instead of offering only repair services, it can now help customers upgrade their appli

  • Listening-QuickServe 2.0"

  • reliable adj.可靠的、稳当的

Quick service is a successful home repair company. It provides quick, reliable repair services to homes. It was established 5 years ago and has been expanding rapidly. In the last 2 years, it has opened offices in 3 new cities.

Because of its rapid growth, it has to hire many new employees. In the last 6 months, it has hired 50 new employees. The total number of the employees in the company is now over 500. And the number of the customers has increased to more than 5000.

  • upgrade n.升级///v.提升
  • discount n.折扣、贴现///v.打折扣

The company has also improved its business model. Instead of offering only repair services, it can now help customers upgrade their appliances. QuickService does this by giving a choice. Customers can choose repair an appliance or upgrade it by buying a new one. If they choose to buy a new one, they will get a discounted price. So a customer can either repair a broken refrigerator for a small fee or buy a new one.

  • installation n.安装、设备
  • install v.安装、设置、竖立
  • manufacture v.制造、研制///n.生产、制成品、进程、生产企业

If they buy a new one, they will get a discounted price, along with free installation. This is possible because several appliance manufactures have agreed to give QuickService big discounts. QuickService then installs the new appliance and removes the old one. Feedback from customers has been positive.

  • percentage 百分比
  • reputation 声誉、颜面、身价
  • dedication n.贡献、忠诚、题词
  • proven 证明
  • approach n.途径、态度///v.逼近、来临、靠拢

A high percentage of customers have taken advantages of this new service. As a result, QuickService has developed a great reputation. Its dedication to the high quality service has proven to be successful.[它致力于以优质的服务已经被证明是成功的] Its word-of-mouth approach to advertising has been cost effective[他的口碑宣传方法具有成本效益]. The appliance manufactures have also been happy with the results. Their growing relationship with QuickService has helped increase their sales.


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      本文标题:懂你 L4-U1-4-Listening-QuickServe2
