

作者: 吴敬悦 | 来源:发表于2021-02-19 14:28 被阅读0次

中文官网: Retrofit

根据官网,新建一个工程学习,在 MainActivity.kt 中使用,我们选用的测试接口为 https://api.github.com/users/{user}/repos

别忘了在 AndroidManifest.xml 中添加网络请求权限 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

1. 首先定义接收数据的类

    data class DataItem(
            val archive_url: String,
            val archived: Boolean,
            val assignees_url: String,
            val blobs_url: String,
            val branches_url: String,
            val clone_url: String,
            val collaborators_url: String,
            val comments_url: String,
            val commits_url: String,
            val compare_url: String,
            val contents_url: String,
            val contributors_url: String,
            val created_at: String,
            val default_branch: String,
            val deployments_url: String,
            val description: String,
            val disabled: Boolean,
            val downloads_url: String,
            val events_url: String,
            val fork: Boolean,
            val forks: Int,
            val forks_count: Int,
            val forks_url: String,
            val full_name: String,
            val git_commits_url: String,
            val git_refs_url: String,
            val git_tags_url: String,
            val git_url: String,
            val has_downloads: Boolean,
            val has_issues: Boolean,
            val has_pages: Boolean,
            val has_projects: Boolean,
            val has_wiki: Boolean,
            val homepage: String,
            val hooks_url: String,
            val html_url: String,
            val id: Int,
            val issue_comment_url: String,
            val issue_events_url: String,
            val issues_url: String,
            val keys_url: String,
            val labels_url: String,
            val language: String,
            val languages_url: String,
            val license: License,
            val merges_url: String,
            val milestones_url: String,
            val mirror_url: Any,
            val name: String,
            val node_id: String,
            val notifications_url: String,
            val open_issues: Int,
            val open_issues_count: Int,
            val owner: Owner,
            val `private`: Boolean,
            val pulls_url: String,
            val pushed_at: String,
            val releases_url: String,
            val size: Int,
            val ssh_url: String,
            val stargazers_count: Int,
            val stargazers_url: String,
            val statuses_url: String,
            val subscribers_url: String,
            val subscription_url: String,
            val svn_url: String,
            val tags_url: String,
            val teams_url: String,
            val trees_url: String,
            val updated_at: String,
            val url: String,
            val watchers: Int,
            val watchers_count: Int

    data class License(
            val key: String,
            val name: String,
            val node_id: String,
            val spdx_id: String,
            val url: String

    data class Owner(
            val avatar_url: String,
            val events_url: String,
            val followers_url: String,
            val following_url: String,
            val gists_url: String,
            val gravatar_id: String,
            val html_url: String,
            val id: Int,
            val login: String,
            val node_id: String,
            val organizations_url: String,
            val received_events_url: String,
            val repos_url: String,
            val site_admin: Boolean,
            val starred_url: String,
            val subscriptions_url: String,
            val type: String,
            val url: String

这个文件并不是我一个一个写的,我是根据 json 自动生成的,在 android studio 中自动生成的方法为:

  1. 装对应的插件,打开 Preferences 对话框下的 Plugins ,然后搜索 JSON To Kotlin Class
  2. 在需要生成的地方,点击鼠标右键:





2. 导入 Retrofit 库

app 下的 build.gradledependencies 下添加:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.9.0'
  implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0'

3. 定义 baseUrl

然后定义好基础 url 。所谓基础 url ,是指你的请求地址中公共的 url 部分,比如你的请求都是 http://www.baidu.com/userhttp://www.baidu.com/other/searchhttp://www.baidu.com/id 等等,那么就是 http://www.baidu.com/ 了。

private val API_URL = "https://api.github.com"

4. 声明请求响应接口


interface GitHubService {
    fun listRepos(@Path("user") user: String?): Call<List<DataItem?>?>?

其中 @GET 就是代表使用 GET 请求,后面就是所对应的请求路径;如果路径中有变量的,就是像上面 {user} 那样; @Path 专门就是用于像 {user} 这样的参数。而函数是使用 Call 包括返回的数据,比如这里就是一个数组,数组的每一项是 DataItem ,这个就是上面我定义的类型。

5. 实例化 Retrofit 对象

val retrofit: Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()


Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

不能这样,如果只是这样的话,那么会出现像 Unable to create converter for java.util.List<com.example.retrofit2activity.MainActivity$DataItem> 这样的错误。
GsonConverterFactory.create() 是固定的,这个依赖于上面的 implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.9.0'

6. 创建对应的请求实例

val service: GitHubService = retrofit.create(GitHubService::class.java)

6. 使用

        val repos = service.listRepos("wutiange")
        repos?.enqueue(object : Callback<List<DataItem?>?> {
            override fun onResponse(call: Call<List<DataItem?>?>, response: Response<List<DataItem?>?>) {
                response.body()?.forEach {

            override fun onFailure(call: Call<List<DataItem?>?>, t: Throwable) {


这里之所以使用 enqueue ,是因为我现在在主线程,主线程不能处理异步请求,如果你本身就是在其他线程(协程)里面,那么就可以 execute 了。如果在此时出现了 socket failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted) 这样的错误,那么只需要将原来的 APP 卸载掉,重新安装即可。



