

作者: 亿枚竹 | 来源:发表于2022-02-09 22:57 被阅读0次

Here I'm going to introduce about traditional crafts in Guangzhou.

In all these traditional crafts, I like the Cantonese ceramics best. It is also known as Cantonese ceramics with gold-painted glaze. And it has a history of more than 300 years. It is famous for its magnificence, intense composition and rich colors.

Cantonese ceramics generally uses mineral pigments. Gold, green, pink, red, blue and brown will be used. The patterns painted on Guangcai porcelain are rich and varied.

  There are seven steps before each ceramic piece can be sold. First, businessman buy the ceramics from the Jingde Town. The ceramics will be painted according to the order. Once the painting is completed, the pieces were heated to bond the ceramics firmly to the surface of the object, creating a colorful piece that exudes color liveliness. So we can see that make a ceramic piece is a very complex but interesting thing.


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