1 口语训练

1 口语训练

作者: 董东苳冻 | 来源:发表于2019-11-29 13:57 被阅读0次

there are so many things that i need to consider.i feel very anxious about it.and now i don't know what to do And which things i need to do first,and which things i need to do secondly.which things i should lay more emphasis on and concentrate on 

one of the biggest headache,you know what?

you know,i have spend a lot of money in learning orally english.so i want to speak english smoothly.As far as i am concerned ,fluency in spoken english is essential .if i can use it in my daily work.that is the best thing.

virtually improve sth.真正的改善sth.

there is a saying in programmer " talk is cheap,show me the code!"

you know what they say.

i have made a promise to myself to speak english fluently/smoothly.And so far(up to know),i stil can't do it.

Could you give me some suggestions that can virtually improve my orally english?(getting the intonation/rhythm right)

what does "sddf" mean?

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      本文标题:1 口语训练
