

作者: 许山山 | 来源:发表于2017-01-29 22:15 被阅读0次


    Forgetting Something? Pair These Calming Activities to Boost Memory

    Can't find your keys lately? New research suggests that listening to music might help. Here's what you need to know.




    We already know that listening to music has some incredible health benefits, from relaxing blood vessels to dampening appetite to sharpening mental focus. Now new findings, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, suggest that listening to music—along with meditation—can help boost memory, among other benefits, for older adults with preclinical memory loss.

    我们已经知道,听音乐有着一些令人难以置信的健康益处,从放松血管到抑制食欲以及集中心理注意力。现在,出版于 Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease的新发现表明:边听音乐边进行冥想,除了其他的一些好处,还有助于增强记忆力,尤其是对于临床前记忆力下降的老年人。


    1. incredible [ɪn'kredəbl] adj.难以置信的;惊人的
      例句:His story sounds incredible.
    2. dampen [ˈdæmpən] v.(使)潮湿;使沮丧;抑制
      例句:The room is uncomfortably hot. Dampen down the fire, please.
      房门太热, 请把火封住。
    3. preclinical [prɪ'klɪnɪkəl] adj.〈医〉临床前的;临床前期的;潜伏期的;
      pre,前缀表示“之前,预先”;clinical 临床的;合在一起就是临床前的。
    单词 意思
    preposition 介词;前置词;
    preamble 序;绪言;(法令、文件等的)序文;前言;
    precaution 预防,防备,警惕;预防措施;避孕措施; 使提防;预先警告;
    precede 在…之前发生或出现,先于;在…之上,优于;给…作序;处于…前面的
    precedent 前例;先例; 在前的,在先的;
    precept 规诫,戒律,箴言;
    precipice 悬崖,峭壁;
    precipitation 匆促;沉淀;(雨等)降落;某地区降雨等的量;
    precise 清晰的;精确的;正规的;精密;
    preclude 阻止;排除;妨碍;
    precocious 早熟的;较早具备某种能力的;较早显出的;(儿童)老气的;
    predict 预言,预测;预示,预告; 预言,预示:预言某事,预言;
    predisposition 倾向,素质;易染病体质;
    preoccupation 全神贯注,入神;当务之急;使人全神贯注的事物;偏见,成见;
    prerogative 特权,君权,天赋的特权(能力等);特性,特点,显著的优点;[史] 有特权的;[罗史]有优先投票权的;
    prescient 有预知能力的,有先见之明的;
    precinct <英>(教堂或大学)的围地;<美>选区;管辖区;界限,范围;
    prepay 预付,先付;预付(邮资等);
    prefix <语>前缀;人名前的称谓;前置代号(置于前面的单词或字母、数字) 在…前加前缀;在…前加上;
    prehistory 史前时期;
    preschool 未满学龄的,就学前的; 育幼院,幼儿园;

    The study, conducted by researchers from West Virginia University, looked at 60 older adults with subjective cognitive decline, a strong predictor of Alzheimer’s disease (here are some of the earliest signs). Participants were assigned to one of two mind-body practices—either a beginner meditation (Kirtan Kriya) or music-listening program—and were asked to practice 12 minutes a day for 12 weeks. At the end of the study period, both groups showed marked and significant improvements in subjective memory function and objective cognitive performance. Their improvements were in areas of cognitive functioning that are most likely to be affected in preclinical and early stages of dementia—including attention, executive function, processing speed, and subjective memory function, according to the study’s findings. And participants only continued to improve for the following three months, when they were practicing their mind-body techniques at their own discretion.


    The findings of this study, as reported in sciencedaily.com, suggest that these two simple mind-body practices, Kirtan Kriya meditation and music listening, may not only improve mood, sleep, and quality of life—as the researchers demonstrated in earlier studies—but also boost cognition and help reverse perceived memory loss in older adults with subjective cognitive decline. Here are more strategies to soup up your memory.

    这一发表于sciencedaily.com的研究结果表明这两种简单的身心训练, Kirtan Kriya 冥想和音乐聆听,不仅能改善心情,睡眠和生活的质量——如同研究人员早期证明的一样——而且能够加速认知能力和帮助逆转老年人的感知记忆丧失与主观记忆衰退。这里有更多策略来增强你的记忆力

    1. soup up
      to make something more powerful or more attractive by making changes to it, especially when it is old:
      New circuit boards can be used to soup up existing machines.
      这个短语的意思就是becoming and making stronger,英文解释应该更容易理解。

    Other research supports the link between meditation and improved memory. In a study at the University of California at Santa Barbara, undergraduate students were asked to take either a mindfulness class or a nutrition class for two weeks. Students who did the “mindfulness training,” which emphasized physical posture and mental strategies of focused-attention meditation, performed better on standardized tests and tests of working memory and mind-wandering than those who learned about nutrition, according to the Atlantic.

    还有其他的研究来支持冥想和提高记忆力之间的联系。加利福尼亚大学的一项研究中,大学本科生被要求修习正念课程或者营养学课程中的一门两个星期。根据来自 the Atlantic的研究结果,进行过“正念训练”的学生比那些修习营养学的学生在标准考试,工作记忆测试和思维活跃性方面表现要好,这一训练强调了集中注意冥想时的身体姿势和心理策略。

    Other research has set a precedent for music boosting brain power. “Your brain lights up like a Christmas tree when you listen to music,” neurologic music therapist Kimberly Sena Moore told webmd.com. “Music is really such a complex stimulus…and you can use it in an intentional way for general wellness.”

    同样也有研究结果为音乐改善大脑能力开了先例。“当你听音乐时你的大脑辉映得如同一棵圣诞树,”神经学音乐治疗师 Kimberly Sena Moore在webmd.com如是说道。“音乐真的是一种的非常复杂的刺激物.......你可以用一种有意识地方法来利用它为你的日常健康服务。”

    The jury is still on the type of music that really gets those neurons firing, so in the meantime, just listen to your favorite tunes whenever you can, and consider starting a meditation practice. How about now? Here are some mini meditations to get you started.


    1. the jury is (still) out/on sth
      If the jury is (still) out/on a subject, people do not yet know the answer or have not yet decided if it is good or bad:
      The jury's still out on the safety of irradiated food.

    ps1 新年快乐~~
    ps2 因俺水平有限,翻译仍有许多不足,欢迎拍砖指正。此外本文主要就是说边听音乐边冥想有助于改善记忆力。
    ps3 希望所有的父母都身体健康~



