

作者: justinjing | 来源:发表于2018-11-23 17:20 被阅读84次

    众所周知,TCP协议是一个可靠的的协议。TCP的可靠性依赖于大量的 Timer 和 Retransmission 。现在咱们就来细说一下TCP协议的那些Timer


    Connection-Establishment Timer



    tcp_syn_retries (integer; default: 5; since Linux 2.2)
    The maximum number of times initial SYNs for an active TCP connection attempt will be retransmitted. This value should not be higher than 255. The default value is 5, which corresponds to approximately 180 seconds.
    tcp_synack_retries (integer; default: 5; since Linux 2.2)
    The maximum number of times a SYN/ACK segment for a passive TCP connection will be retransmitted. This number should not be higher than 255.

    Retransmission Timer

    当三次握手成功,连接建立,发送TCP segment,等待ACK确认。如果在指定时间内,没有得到ACK,就会重传,一直重传到放弃为止。Linux中也有相关变量来设置这里的重传次数的:

    tcp_retries1 (integer; default: 3; since Linux 2.2)
    The number of times TCP will attempt to retransmit a packet on an established connection normally, without the extra effort of getting the network layers involved. Once we exceed this number of retransmits, we first have the network layer update the route if possible before each new retransmit. The default is the RFC specified minimum of 3.
    tcp_retries2 (integer; default: 15; since Linux 2.2)
    The maximum number of times a TCP packet is retransmitted in established state before giving up. The default value is 15, which corresponds to a duration of approxi‐mately between 13 to 30 minutes, depending on the retransmission timeout. The RFC 1122 specified minimum limit of 100 seconds is typically deemed too short.

    Delayed ACK Timer

    当一方接受到TCP segment,需要回应ACK。但是不需要 立即 发送,而是等上一段时间,看看是否有其他数据可以 捎带 一起发送。这段时间便是 Delayed ACK Timer ,一般为200ms。

    Persist Timer

    如果某一时刻,一方发现自己的 socket read buffer 满了,无法接受更多的TCP data,此时就是在接下来的发送包中指定通告窗口的大小为0,这样对方就不能接着发送TCP data了。如果socket read buffer有了空间,可以重设通告窗口的大小在接下来的 TCP segment 中告知对方。可是万一这个 TCP segment 不附带任何data,所以即使这个segment丢失也不会知晓(ACKs are not acknowledged, only data is acknowledged)。对方没有接受到,便不知通告窗口的大小发生了变化,也不会发送TCP data。这样双方便会一直僵持下去。

    TCP协议采用这个机制避免这种问题:对方即使知道当前不能发送TCP data,当有data发送时,过一段时间后,也应该尝试发送一个字节。这段时间便是 Persist Timer 。

    Keepalive Timer

    TCP socket 的 SO_KEEPALIVE option,主要适用于这种场景:连接的双方一般情况下没有数据要发送,仅仅就想尝试确认对方是否依然在线。目前vipbar网吧,判断当前客户端是否依然在线,就用的是这个option。

    具体实现方法:TCP每隔一段时间(tcp_keepalive_intvl)会发送一个特殊的 Probe Segment,强制对方回应,如果没有在指定的时间内回应,便会重传,一直到重传次数达到 tcp_keepalive_probes 便认为对方已经crash了。

    tcp_keepalive_intvl (integer; default: 75; since Linux 2.4)
    The number of seconds between TCP keep-alive probes.
    tcp_keepalive_probes (integer; default: 9; since Linux 2.2)
    The maximum number of TCP keep-alive probes to send before giving up and killing the connection if no response is obtained from the other end.
    tcp_keepalive_time (integer; default: 7200; since Linux 2.2)
    The number of seconds a connection needs to be idle before TCP begins sending out keep-alive probes. Keep-alives are only sent when the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option is enabled. The default value is 7200 seconds (2 hours). An idle connection is terminated after approximately an additional 11 minutes (9 probes an interval of 75 sec‐onds apart) when keep-alive is enabled.
    Note that underlying connection tracking mechanisms and application timeouts may be much shorter.

    FIN_WAIT_2 Timer

    当主动关闭方想关闭TCP connection,发送FIN并且得到相应ACK,从FIN_WAIT_1状态进入FIN_WAIT_2状态,此时不能发送任何data了,只等待对方发送FIN。可以万一对方一直不发送FIN呢?这样连接就一直处于FIN_WAIT_2状态,也是很经典的一个DoS。因此需要一个Timer,超过这个时间,就放弃这个TCP connection了。

    tcp_fin_timeout (integer; default: 60; since Linux 2.2)
    This specifies how many seconds to wait for a final FIN packet before the socket is forcibly closed. This is strictly a violation of the TCP specification, but required to prevent denial-of-service attacks. In Linux 2.2, the default value was 180.

    TIME_WAIT Timer

    TIME_WAIT Timer存在的原因和必要性,主要是两个方面:


    被动关闭方LAST_ACK的超时时间 + 1MSL


    References & Resources

    TCP/IP Illustrated



