63年的您还记得吗|Techlach hits college

63年的您还记得吗|Techlach hits college

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-09-22 15:33 被阅读0次


  Techlash hits college campuses.

The growing skepticism怀疑论 of Silicon Valley, sometimes referred to as the technology has spared few of technologies, major players.

Four years students were told they would take it concerns about technology from the inside working within the my master structures of companies like Google caffeine, who worked at Google and you to be for 2012 years said that was part of the company's ostensible allure  Ostensible表面上的诱惑. Many students still see employment in tech as a ticket to prosperity, but for job seekers who can afford to be chosen there is a growing sentiment that Silicon Valley, the most lucrative position aren't worth the ethical ethical  quandaries道德困境,道德风险.

Some recent graduates are opting out of the big tech pipeline and taking their technical skills to smaller social impact groups and pursuing jobs as start-ups初创公司 focused on health, education and privacy.

They are trying as the reporter April put it to use technical skill as an insurance policy against  dystopia对抗反乌托邦.


  • 63年的您还记得吗|Techlach hits college


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      本文标题:63年的您还记得吗|Techlach hits college
