- Error: "Error obtaining UI
- 安卓SDK 的 uiautomatorview 报错Error
- 2020-05-21uiautomatorviewer获取不到手
- Error while obtaining UI hierarc
- Error while obtaining UI hierarc
- android8以后sdk自带的uiautomator直接打开,
- Error obtaining UI hierarchy
- Error while obtaining UI hierarc
- Unexpected error while obtaining
- Unexpected error while obtaining
在确认过自己手机android 大于4.1版本后,你可以尝试:
Pull out and reinsert USB line.
2、尝试卸载你手机里的两个uiautomator APK,然后重启你的手机。
Try to uninstall the uiautomator in you android Phone(2 apk), and reboot you phone.
3、尝试复位5037监听:$ adb -a -P 5037 fork-server server &
Try to restart you adb tcp:5037 server:
$ adb -a -P 5037 fork-server server &
Try to exit the uiautomatorviewer in you computer, reboot you computer when necessary.