Lesson 14 Quit Cold Turkey

作者: jiaway | 来源:发表于2020-01-11 00:23 被阅读0次

    You promised me that you were going to give up somking.
    What's that in your hand?
    I'm sorry.I really want to except that every time I get nervous,I can't help somking.
    That's just an excuse.
    No.It's true.I've tried everything:chewing gum,biting my fingernails(指甲) and even meditation(打坐),but nothing works.
    Well,if you want to be with me,you'll just have to quit cold turkey.
    That will work!

    promise (+人) + that 从句
    =promise (+ 人) + to 动词原形 答应做...
    make a promise to + 动词原形 答应做....
    Andy promise his teacher that he wouldn't cut class again.
    The worker made a promise to be on time for work in future.



        本文标题:Lesson 14 Quit Cold Turkey
