Core Animation在图像数据非字节对齐的情况下渲染前会先拷贝一份图像数据,官方文档没有对这次拷贝行为作说明,模拟器和Instrument里有高亮显示“copied images”的功能,但似乎它有bug,即使某张图片没有被高亮显示出渲染时被copy,从调用堆栈上也还是能看到调用了CA::Render::copy_image方法:


块的大小应该是跟CPU cache line有关,ARMv7是32byte,A9是64byte,在A9下CoreAnimation应该是按64byte作为一块数据去读取和渲染,让图像数据对齐64byte就可以避免CoreAnimation再拷贝一份数据进行修补。FastImageCache做的字节对齐就是这个事情。
FastImageCache , FICUtilities.m 文件 中 提到:
// Core Animation will make a copy of any image that a client application provides whose backing store isn't properly byte-aligned.
// This copy operation can be prohibitively expensive, so we want to avoid this by properly aligning any UIImages we're working with.
// To produce a UIImage that is properly aligned, we need to ensure that the backing store's bytes per row is a multiple of 64.
