Shakespeare had brought out a very interesting question—“To be or not to be that is the question?” This poem will be related to it.
To Be Or Not To Be
By: Angela Tian
What is the meaning of to be?
Is it something that is related to life?
The smallest unit of life is the cell.
What does this tell us?
The most important thing in this world
isn’t the biggest
but the smallest.
A drop of water can become an ocean.
A piece of leaf can become a tree.
A person can become a miracle.
Then what is “not to be”?
Is it back to the start,
back to the null?
No reincarnation,
sink into the dark!
Flowers crumble, decay and feed the soil.
Oceans dry, exhaust and return to the sky.
Creatures cease, go extinct and give opportunity for others.
The stars shatter,
everything facing the end of the universe
or maybe the start.
All are like the moon cycle, phases full to none and back to full.
Being part of this historical cycle,
Living inside this complex system,
Standing between to be and not to be,
I am here listening,
I am here finding,
I am here thinking,
the most unassuming parts.