How can Yahoo's acquisition of Tumblr avoid becoming a repeat of the debacle that News Corp suffered after its acquisition of MySpace, or AOL faced with Bebo?
In Google+, <font color=red site=+1>Financial Times</font> argued that,
How can Yahoo's acquisition of Tumblr avoid becoming a repeat of the debacle that News Corp suffered after its acquisition of MySpace, or AOL faced with Bebo?
<font color=navy>OTHER COMMITMENTS IN GOOGLE +</font>
Tumblr is primarily a media curation platform - used by a younger audience to gather things they find funny, interesting or even in many cases a turn on. It's well loved, has a loyal community around it and as long as Marissa Mayer does as she promised and leaves it alone - it should be fun.
I would agree that more than one social media site can be a chore. But I thought that Teens and the others are still on Facebook, for the most part, but are drifting to other networks and they are starting to see logging into Facebook as an obligation rather than a pleasure.
Well, let not speculate too much on this subject, because we don't know what she will do with Tumblr.
<font color=navy>"When you're in the nightclub business, you have no product, you just have magic."</font>
Tumblr has found a formula that works very well with the 18-24 age set. Its frenetic style, bordering on anarchy, is at odds with Yahoo's staid propriety, but is different from Facebook, which may be a winning proposition.
Well, Ms. Mayer's response has been to say that she'll leave founder and the other New York creative alone to do their thing.
<font color=navy>Tumblr is different from MySpace and Bebo, and Yahoo may have different future from News Corp and AOL.</font>
We believe that Yahoo’s acquisition of Tumblr will avoid becoming a repeat the debacle that News Corp suffered after its acquisition of MySpace, or AOL faced with Bebo.
Users of general-purpose social networks generally only want one place to maintain their online identities and manage their social connections. Standing in the path of Facebook was not a winning proposition.
<font color=navy>The trick is to find a real product that doesn’t just rely on magic.</font>
Facebook has come closest to replicating this. Having a place to keep your personal “stuff” and for others to find and connect with you are basic needs shared by most internet users. Facebook has gone one better, connecting with other internet services to let Facebook users take their identities and social connections with them as they move around the web.
<font color=navy>Giving guests more powerful reasons</font>
Just doing your business alone, however, is not enough. Even Microsoft – once the tech world’s inescapable hotel keeper, thanks to its Windows monopoly – realized to give its guests something more. In Office it also create the killer app of the PC, giving its users a powerful reason to keep using its platform.
<font color=navy>Keeping abreast of the latest internet fad will not be easy.</font>
Technology platforms are unshakeable business.
Mark Zuckerberg has shown his awareness of this danger, moving quickly last year to snap up Instagram when he was at risk of losing ground in photo sharing, one of the killer apps of social networking.