Why is it called TD and not TC? Well, TD stands for table data. Usually you're putting your information there.

Then there's this concept of a div, which doesn't really fit in any particular category of tags like the ones I've been doing previously. It just sort of demarcates the beginning of some arbitrary division --div-- of the page. There's no visual break. There's no line. It's not set off as a separate chunk automatically. You'd have to style it that way to do that.
It just sort of says I want a piece of space on my web page, and I'm just going to call it this division of my page. We can put stuff inside of divs, and in fact, when we head over to IDE in a second, we'll see that I'm putting my form inside of a div.

One last comment before we move on to some other tags are to take a look at this input tag one more time.
This is called a self closing tag. It doesn't require an opening and a close because all of the information is contained inside the tag and its attributes.
So sometimes you'll see this, too. So just be aware that if you have a tag that is entirely self-contained, it opens and closes itself with the open angle bracket on the left and the slash angle bracket on the right.
Before we talk about images, we need to talk about hyperlinks. If we want our web page to be interactive and move us around, it would be nice be able to click on one of those what has typically been a blue link.

The last one is a comment tag, which looks slightly different, too.

The last rule with HTML that we're going to talk about here is that your HTML should be well formed.
