【Step1】: 在Mac上安装PostgreSQL
0: 前提需要:homebrew安装
1: brew update
2: brew install postgres
安装postgres 一般会得到:🍺/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.5.5: 3,154 files, 35.1M
3: brew tap homebrew/services 安装tap services
4: brew services start postgresql 在背景中启动Postgres,相似还可以将 start改成stop和restart进行关闭和重启
5: Basic Practice and test of Installation
- 创建数据库 createdb mydb
- 删除数据库 dropdb mydb
- 访问数据库 psql (enter, edit and execute SQL demands)
出现界面可能为 mydb =# 意味着 目前的状态为superuser
6: Some basic SQL commands to play with
- SELECT version();
- SELECT current_date;
- SELECT 2+2;
7: Some internal commands
- \h (get help)
- \q (get out of psql)
- \? (for more internal commands)
8: Configuration psql postgres
- \du : list all users
9: Create Role
Create ROLE username WITH password 'your pws here ' [OPTIONS]
ALTER ROLE username CREATEDB; 授权建立数据库