Genes vs Environment: which matt

Genes vs Environment: which matt

作者: 我就是小树张淑娟 | 来源:发表于2024-04-20 19:25 被阅读0次

    Last week I had a chat with one of our coleagues. She complain that some students had no talent. She thinks she can do nothing for these students. I was shocked by that. We talked a lot about the role of genes and the environment we grow up in.

    Long-standing Controversy

    For years, people have been debating: in shaping the IQ,which matters more, genes or the environment you grow up in?

    This debate has been going on for ages.

    My research kind of leans towards ecology. I don't focus on either genetics or environment, I tend to explore how they both play a part together.

    So, the understanding is that they're both crucial. But which is more important, I'm not entirely sure.

    And how do they work together, I don't have a clear picture.

    **Bucket model: a misleading model **

    In the past, people used to talk about this "bucket model". They'd say intelligence genes and the environment are like two faucets pouring IQ water into the human "brain bucket."

    In this model, it's like both genes and environment play identical roles, pouring water into the bucket at the same rate.

    So, in this model, they're seen as having equal and simultaneous effects.

    According to this view, having "no talent" is like saying "I've got one less faucet than others, or one of my faucets pours less water. So, no matter how hard I try with my other faucet, I'll never catch up or surpass others."

    People who think like this are definitely feeling low about themselves. Teachers who think like this are hopeless about their students. And parents who think like this don't hold much hope for their kids.

    The Latest Understanding

    Thankfully, neuroscience and brain science are advancing, and so is our understanding of intelligence genes and the environment.

    Nowadays, scientists reckon that the whole bucket model thing is off. They believe:

    Genes are like the faucet, and the environment is the pipeline bringing out the "water of wisdom," playing a decisive role in shaping brain intelligence.

    This view suggests that even if your genes are average, in this age, you could excel or outstanding. Because not only are there abundant learning resources, but there's also the assistance of AI, making very good learning environment.

    People who see themselves this way are full of hope.

    Teachers who view their students like this are super responsible.

    Parents who see their children like this understand the significant role of family education.



          本文标题:Genes vs Environment: which matt
