Map: It iterates over each element of a series.
df[‘column1’].map(lambda x: 10+x), this will add 10 to each element of column1.
df[‘column2’].map(lambda x: ‘AV’+x), this will concatenate “AV“ at the beginning of each element of column2 (column format is string).
Apply: As the name suggests, applies a function along any axis of the DataFrame.
df[[‘column1’,’column2’]].apply(sum), it will returns the sum of all the values of column1 and column2.
from shapely.geometry import Point
data = [[116,115],[34,35]]
def gen(series):
return Point([series[0],series[1]])
df["g"] = df.apply(gen)
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df,geometry='g')
ApplyMap: This helps to apply a function to each element of dataframe.
func = lambda x: x+2
df.applymap(func), it will add 2 to each element of dataframe (all columns of dataframe must be numeric type)