- paper :
PrimeDesign software for rapid and simplified design of prime editing guide RNAs
(Nat Commun . 2021 Feb 15;12(1):1034.
doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21337-7
.) - github :
- web tools :
web application
- Substitution: (/)
- Insertion: (+)
Deletion: (-)
- PBS length
- RTT length
- Nicking distance
- Remove extension with C start
- homopolymer T stretch
- Disrupt PAM with silent PAM mutation
- Calculate CFD score
Pooled design
Saturation mutagenesis
- Saturation mutagenesis type
Base substitutions
Amino acid substitutions
Command line tool
docker pull pinellolab/primedesign
docker run -v ${PWD}/:/DATA -w /DATA pinellolab/primedesign primedesign_cli [options]
-f \
-pbs \
-rtt \
-nick_dist_min -nick_dist_max\
-filter_c1 \
-sat_mut \
-n_pegrnas \
-nick_dist_pooled \
-pbs_pooled \
-rtt_pooled \
Users can specify the following options:
-f, --file
Input file (.txt or .csv) with sequences for PrimeDesign. Format: target_name,target_sequence (column names required)
-pbs, --pbs_length_list
List of primer binding site (PBS) lengths for the pegRNA extension (Default: 10 to 15 nt).
Example: 12 13 14 15
-rtt, --rtt_length_list
List of reverse transcription (RT) template lengths for the pegRNA extension (Default: 10 to 30 nt).
Example: 10 15 20
-nick_dist_min, --nicking_distance_minimum
Minimum nicking distance for designing ngRNAs upstream and downstream of a pegRNA
(Default: 0 bp).
-nick_dist_max, --nicking_distance_maximum
Maximum nicking distance for designing ngRNAs upstream and downstream of a pegRNA
(Default: 100 bp).
-filter_c1, --filter_c1_extension
Option to filter against pegRNA extensions that start with a C base.
-silent_mut, --silent_mutation
Introduce silent mutation into PAM assuming sequence is in-frame. Currently only available with SpCas9.
-genome_wide, --genome_wide_design
Whether or not this is a genome-wide pooled design. This option designs a set of pegRNAs per input without ranging PBS and RTT parameters.
-sat_mut, --saturation_mutagenesis
Saturation mutagenesis design with prime editing. The 'aa' option makes amino acid changes and the 'base' option makes DNA base changes. (Options: aa, base)
-n_pegrnas, --number_of_pegrnas
The maximum number of pegRNAs to design for each input sequence. The pegRNAs are ranked by 1) PAM disrupted > PAM intact then 2) distance to edit.
(Default: 3)
n_ngrnas, --number_of_ngrnas
The maximum number of ngRNAs to design for each input sequence. The ngRNAs are ranked by 1) PE3b-seed > PE3b-nonseed > PE3 then 2) deviation from nicking_distance_pooled.
(Default: 3)
-nick_dist_pooled, --nicking_distance_pooled
The nicking distance between pegRNAs and ngRNAs for pooled designs. PE3b annotation is priority (PE3b seed -> PE3b non-seed), followed by nicking distance closest to this parameter.
(Default: 75 bp)
-homology_downstream, --homology_downstream
For pooled designs (genome_wide or saturation_mutagenesis needs to be indicated), this parameter determines the RT extension length downstream of an edit for pegRNA designs.
(Default: 10)
-pbs_pooled, --pbs_length_pooled
The PBS length to design pegRNAs for pooled design applications.
(Default: 14 nt)
-rtt_pooled, --rtt_max_length_pooled
The maximum RTT length to design pegRNAs for pooled design applications.
(Default: 50 nt)
-out, --out_dir
Name of output directory. (Default: ./DATETIMESTAMP_PrimeDesign)