Wed Mar.8

作者: 周摇摇 | 来源:发表于2017-03-08 23:43 被阅读0次

Today in reading and writing we discussed SAT and peer pressure.As for the topic"library",we brainstormed many ideas like classification,be quiet,volunteer job and romantic encounter and so on.

And then we had a comprehensive English class,teacher always gives us many relevant words streched out from one word.I think it also is a good way to recite words.cuz it is better to memory the words which have nuances of meaning or form.But I always know the reason but I can't put into practice.He has a wide range of knowledge which makes me shocked every time and reminds me to study harder and harder.

when I returned to the dormitory,i did some dubbing in the app,from which I learned some new words like box-office,kick ass,have no ear for music,special effect and casting.

Today is my first day to keep A diary!I don't know how long I can persist but I willdo my best!exciting!!

Good night☪


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      本文标题:Wed Mar.8
