

作者: helphi | 来源:发表于2017-03-01 15:14 被阅读0次
:set laststatus=2 #always see a status line for each window, even in single window mode, default is 1.
:set mouse=a #to activate the mouse for all uses: command line, input, and navigation.
:set winheight=8 #define the minimal window height
:set winwidth=8 #define the minimal window width
:set winheight=8 #When entering or creating a window, set its height to at least the specified value.
:set winwidth=8 #When entering or creating a window, set its width to at least the specified value.
:set equalalways #When the number of windows changes, either by splitting or closing windows, resize them to be the same size.
:set eadirection #Define whether Vim resizes windows equally vertically, horizontally, or both.
:set cmdheight=8 #Set the command line height.
:set winminheight=8 #Define the minimum window height, which applies to all windows created.
:set winminwidth=8 #Define the minimum window width, which applies to all windows created.


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