
When Did We Start Walking for Leisure?
"Going for a walk" is a popular pastime among older and younger generations alike because of its well-known benefits for our physical and mental health.
But you may be surprised to hear that meandering through pretty streets or hiking along mountainous ridges have not always been considered leisure activities, according to Daniel Gale, a researcher of pedestrianism.
He says that in Britain, walking for fun "wasn't really a thing" until the 1780s. Before that, it was just something people did out of necessity.
他说,在英国,直到 18 世纪 80 年代,以步行为乐才“真正开始”。在此之前,步行只是人们出于需要而做的事情。
But for Charles Dickens, the famous English 19th Century author, marching through London streets and tramping around the countryside was a big part of the creative process; a time to absorb what was going on around him. He walked at an impressive pace of four miles per hour, according to his biography by Peter Ackroyd.
但对于 19 世纪英国著名作家查尔斯·狄更斯来说,在伦敦街头漫步和在乡间跋涉是创作过程的重要组成部分,也是他了解吸收周围所发生的事情的时间。根据彼得·阿克罗伊德为他撰写的传记所说,他以每小时四英里的惊人速度行走。
But if speed-walking isn't your thing, perhaps you can take inspiration from another big-thinking wanderer.
19th Century American writer Henry David Thoreau took a slower approach, preferring to saunter over hills and fields and meander through the woods. He said that he could not preserve his health and spirits, unless he spent four hours a day walking at least.
19 世纪美国作家亨利·戴维·梭罗采取了一种较慢的方式,他更喜欢在山丘和田野上漫步,在树林中闲逛。他说,除非每天至少花四个小时散步,否则他便无法保持健康和精力充沛。
This idea of taking a stroll to clear your head has survived through to the 21st Century, but has pedestrian etiquette remained the same? A 1780 article for the London Magazine advised pedestrians to avoid things such as loitering in conversation and obstructing people behind you with a "sauntering gait". Nowadays, we could probably add distracted phone-users to that list.
漫步散心的理念一直延续到了 21 世纪,但行人礼仪是否依然如故呢?1780 年,《伦敦杂志》的一篇文章建议行人避免闲逛交谈,免得妨碍后面的人。如今,我们或许可以把分心的手机用户也列入这个名单。
In this modern age, when many of us are tied to our desks and to our screens, the simple act of stepping out onto the city pavements, or getting lost in nature, may make all the difference to our wellbeing. Whether you see yourself more as a casual stroller or a purposeful strider, why not build a habit out of it?