《普林斯顿数学指引》读书笔记——I.4 数学研究的一般目的(下)

《普林斯顿数学指引》读书笔记——I.4 数学研究的一般目的(下)

作者: 心皿 | 来源:发表于2018-02-22 14:01 被阅读31次




    4 Discovering Patterns(发现模式)

    When a problem looks too difficult to solve, one should not give up completely. A much more productive reaction is to formulate related but more approachable questions.


    For some problems, the best approach is to build a highly structured pattern that does what you want, while for others—usually problems for which there is no hope of obtaining an exact answer—it is better to look for less specific arrangements. “Highly structured” in this context often means “possessing a high degree of symmetry.”


    These facts about the Leech lattice illustrate a general principle of mathematical research: often, if a mathematical construction has one remarkable property, it will have others as well. In particular, a high degree of symmetry will often be related to other interesting features.

    5 Explaining Apparent Coincidences (解释表观巧合)

    It is not obvious how seriously we should take this observation, and when it was first made by John McKay opinions differed about it. Some believed that it was probably just a coincidence, since the two areas seemed to be so different and unconnected. Others took the attitude that the function j(z) and the Monster group are so important in their respective areas, and the number 196 883 so large, that the surprising numerical fact was probably pointing to a deep connection that had not yet been uncovered.

    这个观察结果(按:上文提到椭圆模函数j(z)的级数定义中的一个系数比魔群的最小可能维数只大了1)应该在多大程度上被严肃地对待,并不是那么显然,而且当John McKay首次观察到它时,人们的观点就已经有了分歧。有人相信这很可能只是一个巧合,因为这两个领域看上去很不一样也没有关联。其他人则采取了这么一种态度,椭圆模函数j(z)和魔群在他们各自的领域都那么重要,而196883这个数字又这么大,这种惊人的数值上的事实,可能指向某种尚未发现的深刻联系。

    Another general principle of mathematical research: if you can obtain the same series of numbers (or the same structure of a more general kind) from two different mathematical sources, then those sources are probably not as different as they seem. Moreover, if you can find one deep connection, you will probably be led to others.


    6 Counting and Measuring (计数与度量)

    This is a simple example of a counting argument, that is, an answer to a question that begins “How many.” However, the word “argument” is at least as important as the word “counting,” since we do not put all the symmetries in a row and say “one, two, three, . . . , sixty,”(resorting to “brute force”) as we
    might if we were counting in real life.What we do instead is come up with a reason for the number of rotational symmetries being 5 × 12. At the end of the process, we understand more about those symmetries than merely how many there are.

    这(按:“正二十面体有多少个旋转对称?”)是“计数论证”的一个简单例子,即对“有多少个”这类问题的回答。然而,“论证”这个词至少和“计数”一样重要,因为我们并非把所有的对称排成一列然后像我们在日常生活中计数一样一个一个数下去(采用蛮力的方式),而是提出了旋转对称总数为 5 × 12的理由。这个过程结束后,我们对这些对称获得了更深入的理解,而不只是它们有多少个。

    Even if an exact answer does not seem to be forthcoming, it is still very interesting to obtain estimates. In this case, one can try to define an easily calculated function f such that f (n) is always approximately equal to t(n). If even that is too hard, one can try to find two easily calculated functions L and U such that L(n) ≤ t(n) ≤ U(n) for every n. If we succeed, then we call L a lower bound for t and U an upper bound.

    哪怕准确的答案看上去不易找到,获得其估计也是非常有趣的。这种情况下,我们可以尝试定义一个容易计算的函数f,使得f(n)总是近似地等于t(n)。即使这太难,我们也可以尝试找两个容易计算的函数L和U,使得对于所有n,L(n) ≤ t(n) ≤ U(n)均成立。如果成功找到了,我们就称L为下界,而称U为上界。

    Given a set of objects, one may wish to know, besides its size, roughly what a typical one of those objects looks like. Many questions of this kind take the form of asking what the average value is of some numerical parameter that is associated with each object.


    There are many problems in mathematics where one wishes to maximize or minimize some quantity in the presence of various constraints. These are called extremal problems. As with counting questions, there are some extremal problems for which one can realistically hope to work out the answer exactly, and many more for which, even though an exact answer is out of the question, one can still aim to find interesting estimates.


    7 Determining Whether Different Mathematical Properties Are Compatible (判定不同的数学性质是否相容)

    Suppose that we wish to determine whether G has some property P that some groups have and others do not. Since we cannot prove that the property P follows from the group axioms, it might seem that we are forced to abandon the general theory of groups and look at the specific group G. However, in many situations there is an intermediate possibility: to identify some fairly general property Q that the group G has, and show that Q implies the more particular property P that interests us.


    8 Working with Arguments that Are Not Fully Rigorous (利用不完全严格的论证)

    A mathematical statement is considered to be established when it has a proof that meets the high standards of rigor that are characteristic of the subject. However, nonrigorous arguments have an important place in mathematics as well. For example, if one wishes to apply a mathematical statement to another field, such as physics or engineering, then the truth of the statement is often more important than whether one has proved it. However, this raises an obvious question: if one has not proved a statement, then what grounds could there be for believing it? There are in fact several different kinds of nonrigorous justification.


    There are large numbers of papers with theorems that are proved only under the assumption of some version of the Riemann hypothesis. Therefore, anybody who proves the Riemann hypothesis will change the status of all these theorems from conditional to fully proved. How should one regard a proof if it relies on the Riemann hypothesis? One could simply say that the proof establishes that such and such a result is implied by the Riemann hypothesis and leave it at that. But most mathematicians take a different attitude. They believe the Riemann hypothesis, and believe that it will one day be proved. So they believe all its consequences as well, even if they feel more secure about results that can be proved unconditionally.


    There is far more to a conjecture than simply a wild guess: for it to be accepted as important, it should have been subjected to tests of many kinds. For example, does it have consequences that are already known to be true? Are there special cases that one can prove? If it were true, would it help one solve other problems? Is it supported by numerical evidence? Does it make a bold, precise statement that would probably be easy to refute if it were false?

    It requires great insight and hard work to produce a conjecture that passes all these tests, but if one succeeds, one has not just an isolated statement, but a statement with numerous connections to other statements. This increases the chances that it will be proved, and greatly increases the chances that the proof of one statement will lead to proofs of others as well. Even a counterexample to a good conjecture can be extraordinarily revealing: if the conjecture is related to many other statements, then the effects of the counterexample will permeate the whole area.



    The more precise the predictions that follow from a conjecture, the more impressive it is when they are confirmed by later numerical evidence. Of course, this is true not just of mathematics but of science more generally.


    Although almost nothing has been rigorously proved, physicists have a collection of nonrigorous methods that, if used carefully, seem to give correct results. With their methods, they have in some areas managed to establish statements that go well beyond what mathematicians can prove. Such results are fascinating to mathematicians, partly because if one regards the results of physicists as mathematical conjectures then many of them are excellent conjectures, by the standards explained earlier: they are deep, completely unguessable in advance, widely believed to be true, backed up by numerical evidence, and so on. Another reason for their fascination is that the effort to provide them with a rigorous underpinning often leads to significant advances in pure mathematics.


    One might wonder whether rigor is important: if the results established by nonrigorous arguments are clearly true, then is that not good enough? As it happens, there are examples of statements that were “established” by nonrigorous methods and later shown to be false, but the most important reason for caring about rigor is that the understanding one gains from a rigorous proof is frequently deeper than the understanding provided by a nonrigorous one. The best way to describe the situation is perhaps to say that the two styles of argument have profoundly benefited each other and will undoubtedly continue to do so.


    9 Finding Explicit Proofs and Algorithms (寻求显式的证明和算法)

    A fundamental dichotomy in mathematics: If you are proving that a mathematical object exists, then sometimes you can do so explicitly, by actually describing that object, and sometimes you can do so only indirectly, by showing that its nonexistence would lead to a contradiction.


    Just as, all else being equal, a rigorous argument is preferable to a nonrigorous one, so an explicit or algorithmic argument is worth looking for even if an indirect one is already established, and for similar reasons: the effort to find an explicit argument very often leads to new mathematical insights. (Less obviously, as we shall soon see, finding indirect arguments can also lead to new insights.)


    10 What Do You Find in a Mathematical Paper? (在数学论文中可以找到什么?)

    A typical paper is usually a mixture of formal and informal writing. Ideally (but by no means always), the author writes a readable introduction that tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper. And if the paper is divided into sections, as most papers are unless they are quite short, then it is also very helpful to the reader if each section can begin with an informal outline of the arguments to follow. But the main substance of the paper has to be more formal and detailed, so that readers who are prepared to make a sufficient effort can convince themselves that it is correct.


    The most important of these statements are usually called theorems, but one also finds statements called propositions, lemmas, and corollaries. One cannot always draw sharp distinctions between these kinds of statements, but in broad terms, this is what the different words mean. A theorem is a statement that you regard as intrinsically interesting, a statement that you might think of isolating from the paper and telling other mathematicians about in a seminar, for instance. The statements that are the main goals of a paper are usually called theorems. A proposition is a bit like a theorem, but it tends to be slightly “boring.” It may seem odd to want to prove boring results, but they can be important and useful. What makes them boring is that they do not surprise us in any way. They are statements that we need, that we expect to be true, and that we do not have much difficulty proving.


    Often, if you are trying to prove a theorem, the proof becomes long and complicated, in which case if you want anybody to read it you need to make the structure of the argument as clear as possible. One of the best ways of doing this is to identify subgoals, which take the form of statements intermediate between your initial assumptions and the conclusion you wish to draw from them. These statements are usually called lemmas.


    A corollary of a mathematical statement is another statement that follows easily from it. Sometimes the main theorem of a paper is followed by several corollaries, which advertise the strength of the theorem. Sometimes the main theorem itself is labeled a corollary, because all the work of the proof goes into proving a different, less punchy statement from which the theorem follows very easily. If this happens, the author may wish to make clear that the corollary is the main result of the paper, and other authors would refer to it as a theorem.


    A purely formal proof would be very long and almost impossible to read. And yet, the fact that arguments can in principle be formalized provides a very valuable underpinning for the edifice of mathematics, because it gives a way of resolving disputes. If a mathematician produces an argument that is strangely unconvincing, then the best way to see whether it is correct is to ask him or her to explain it more formally and in greater detail. This will usually either expose a mistake or make it clearer why the argument works.


    Some mathematicians will tell you that the main aim of their research is to find the right definition, after which their whole area will be illuminated. Yes, they will have to write proofs, but if the definition is the one they are looking for, then these proofs will be fairly straightforward.


    The main aim of an article in mathematics is usually to prove theorems, but one of the reasons for reading an article is to advance one’s own research. It is therefore very welcome if a theorem is proved by a technique that can be used in other contexts. It is also very welcome if an article contains some good unsolved problems.


    Perhaps the most important feature of a good problem is generality: the solution to a good problem should usually have ramifications beyond the problem itself. A more accurate word for this desirable quality is “generalizability,” since some excellent problems may look rather specific.


    It is quite common for a good problem to look uninteresting until you start to think about it. Then you realize that it has been asked for a reason: it might be the “first difficult case” of a more general problem, or it might be just one well-chosen example of a cluster of problems, all of which appear to run up against the same difficulty.

    很常见的一种情况是:在开始真正思考它之前,一个好问题看上去挺无趣的。然后你会意识到问出这样的问题背后的原因: 它可能是一个更一般问题的首个困难特例,或者它可能是一簇问题的精心挑选的特例,它们全都会遇到同样的困难。

    Sometimes a problem is just a question, but frequently the person who asks a mathematical question has a good idea of what the answer is.




          本文标题:《普林斯顿数学指引》读书笔记——I.4 数学研究的一般目的(下)
