Qt Creator C++ 类说明

Qt Creator C++ 类说明

作者: 新潮看世界 | 来源:发表于2022-06-25 15:35 被阅读0次


    Aggregation聚合Contains support for bundling related components, so that each component exposes the properties and behavior of the other components to the outside包含对捆绑相关组件的支持,以便每个组件将其他组件的属性和行为暴露给外部

    Core核Contains all classes that make up the Core plugin which constitute the basic functionality of Qt Creator包含构成核心插件的所有类,构成 Qt Creator 的基本功能

    Core::FileIconProvider核心::FileIconProviderProvides functions for registering custom overlay icons for system icons提供为系统图标注册自定义覆盖图标的功能

    ExtensionSystem扩展系统Classes that belong to the core plugin system属于核心插件系统的类

    Aggregation::Aggregate聚合::聚合Defines a collection of related components that can be viewed as a unit定义了可以被视为一个单元的相关组件的集合

    Core::ActionContainer核心::ActionContainerRepresents a menu or menu bar in Qt Creator表示 Qt Creator 中的菜单或菜单栏

    Core::ActionManager核心::ActionManagerResponsible for registration of menus and menu items and keyboard shortcuts负责注册菜单和菜单项以及键盘快捷键

    Core::BaseFileFilter核心::BaseFileFilterBase class for locator filter classes定位器过滤器类的基类

    Core::BaseFileWizard核心::BaseFileWizardImplements a is a convenience class for creating files实现 a 是用于创建文件的便利类

    Core::BaseFileWizardFactory核心::BaseFileWizardFactoryImplements a generic wizard for creating files实现用于创建文件的通用向导

    Core::BaseTextDocument核心::BaseTextDocumentVery general base class for documents that work with text用于处理文本的文档的非常通用的基类

    Core::BaseTextFind核心::BaseTextFindImplements a find filter for QPlainTextEdit and QTextEdit based widgets为基于 QPlainTextEdit 和 QTextEdit 的小部件实现查找过滤器

    Core::Command核心::命令Represents an action, such as a menu item, tool button, or shortcut表示操作,例如菜单项、工具按钮或快捷方式

    Core::CommandButton核心::命令按钮Tool button associated with one of the registered Command objects与注册的命令对象之一关联的工具按钮

    Core::Context核心::上下文Implements a list of context IDs实现上下文 ID 列表

    Core::DocumentManager核心::文档管理器Manages a set of documents管理一组文档

    Core::EditorManager核心::EditorManagerManages the editors created for files according to their MIME type根据文件的 MIME 类型管理为文件创建的编辑器

    Core::EditorManagerPlaceHolder核心::EditorManagerPlaceHolderUsed to integrate an editor area into a mode用于将编辑器区域集成到模式中

    Core::FileChangeBlocker核心::FileChangeBlockerBlocks all change notifications to all IDocument objects that match the given filename阻止对与给定文件名匹配的所有 IDocument 对象的所有更改通知

    Core::FutureProgress核心::FutureProgressUsed to adapt the appearance of progress indicators that were created through the ProgressManager class用于调整通过 ProgressManager 类创建的进度指示器的外观

    Core::GeneratedFile核心::生成文件Represents a file generated by a wizard表示由向导生成的文件

    Core::IContext核心::IContextAssociates a widget with a context list and context help将小部件与上下文列表和上下文帮助相关联

    Core::ICore核心::ICoreAllows access to the different parts that make up the basic functionality of Qt Creator允许访问构成 Qt Creator 基本功能的不同部分

    Core::IDocument核心::IDocumentDescribes a document that can be saved and reloaded描述可以保存和重新加载的文档

    Core::IEditor核心::IEditorInterface for editing an open document in Qt Creator在 Qt Creator 中编辑打开文档的界面

    Core::IEditorFactory核心::IEditorFactoryCreates suitable editors for documents according to their MIME type根据 MIME 类型为文档创建合适的编辑器

    Core::IExternalEditorCore::IExternalEditorEnables registering an external editor in the Open With dialog允许在“打开方式”对话框中注册外部编辑器

    Core::IFeatureProvider核心::IFeatureProviderDefines an interface to manage features for wizards定义一个界面来管理向导的功能

    Core::IFindFilter核心::IFindFilterThe base class for find implementations that are invoked by selecting Edit > Find/Replace > Advanced Find通过选择 Edit > Find/Replace > Advanced Find 调用的 find 实现的基类

    Core::IFindSupport核心::IFindSupportFunctions for searching in a document or widget在文档或小部件中搜索的功能

    Core::ILocatorFilter核心::ILocatorFilterAdds a locator filter添加定位器过滤器

    Core::IMode核心::IModeRepresents a mode in Qt Creator表示 Qt Creator 中的模式

    Core::INavigationWidgetFactory核心::INavigationWidgetFactoryNew instances of navigation widgets导航小部件的新实例

    Core::IOptionsPage核心::IOptionsPageInterface for providing pages for the Options dialog (called Preferences on macOS)为选项对话框提供页面的界面(在 macOS 上称为首选项)

    Core::IOutputPane核心::IOutputPaneInterface for providing Output panes提供输出窗格的界面

    Core::IWizardFactory核心::IWizardFactoryThe base class for all wizard factories所有向导工厂的基类

    Core::MessageManager核心::消息管理器Used to post messages in the General Messages pane用于在“常规消息”窗格中发布消息

    Core::MiniSplitter核心::MiniSplitterSimple helper-class to obtain macOS style 1-pixel wide splitters获取 macOS 风格的 1 像素宽拆分器的简单助手类

    Core::ModeManager核心::模式管理器Manages the activation of modes and the actions in the mode selector's tool bar管理模式的激活和模式选择器工具栏中的操作

    Core::NonResizingSplitter核心::NonResizingSplitterMiniSplitter that keeps its first widget's size fixed when it is resizedMiniSplitter 在调整大小时保持其第一个小部件的大小固定

    Core::ProgressManager核心::进度管理器Used to show a user interface for running tasks in Qt Creator用于显示在 Qt Creator 中运行任务的用户界面

    Core::SearchResult核心::搜索结果Reports user interaction, such as the activation of a search result item报告用户交互,例如激活搜索结果项

    Core::SearchResultWindow核心::搜索结果窗口The implementation of a commonly shared Search Results output pane共同共享的搜索结果输出窗格的实现

    Core::SettingsDatabase核心::设置数据库Offers an alternative to the application-wide QSettings that is more suitable for storing large amounts of data为更适合存储大量数据的应用程序范围的 QSettings 提供替代方案

    Core::WizardDialogParameters核心::WizardDialogParametersHolds parameters for the new file wizard dialog保存新文件向导对话框的参数

    ExtensionSystem::IPlugin扩展系统::IPluginAbstract base class that must be implemented once for each plugin每个插件必须实现一次的抽象基类

    ExtensionSystem::PluginArgumentDescriptionExtensionSystem::PluginArgumentDescriptionPluginArgumentDescriptions class holds a list of descriptions of command line arguments that a plugin processesPluginArgumentDescriptions 类包含插件处理的命令行参数的描述列表

    ExtensionSystem::PluginDependencyExtensionSystem::PluginDependencyContains the name and required compatible version number of a plugin's dependency包含插件依赖的名称和所需的兼容版本号

    ExtensionSystem::PluginDetailsViewExtensionSystem::PluginDetailsViewImplements a widget that displays the contents of a PluginSpec实现一个显示 PluginSpec 内容的小部件

    ExtensionSystem::PluginErrorViewExtensionSystem::PluginErrorViewImplements a widget that displays the state and error message of a PluginSpec实现一个显示 PluginSpec 的状态和错误消息的小部件

    ExtensionSystem::PluginManagerExtensionSystem::PluginManagerImplements the core plugin system that manages the plugins, their life cycle, and their registered objects实现管理插件、它们的生命周期和它们的注册对象的核心插件系统

    ExtensionSystem::PluginSpecExtensionSystem::PluginSpecContains the information of the plugin's embedded meta data and information about the plugin's current state包含插件嵌入的元数据信息和插件当前状态的信息

    ExtensionSystem::PluginViewExtensionSystem::PluginViewImplements a widget that shows a list of all plugins and their state实现一个显示所有插件列表及其状态的小部件



        本文标题:Qt Creator C++ 类说明
