

作者: 晓楠得一录 | 来源:发表于2022-11-06 10:30 被阅读0次

    We at The Skinny On books believe that less is more. We believe that too many writers,thinkers and researchers tend to use 10 words when 5 will do. Perhaps that is historical. Since books have always been pretty hefty items, writers see no reason to change what has worked in the past.

    相信,有太多的作家、思想家和研究人员倾向于使用 10 个词去表达用 5 个词就可以说明的问题。也许,这种现象是有历史渊源的。书籍向来是精美厚重之物,作家们实在找不出任何理由去改变古已有之的事实。

    We don't believe that what worked in the past should be the way of the future. Heck, screaming from one neighbor to another may have been an adequate form of communication 200 years ago, but today cell phones are generally preferable.

    Our objective is to completely research a particular subject – in this case time management– and then to distill for you, the reader, just what you need to know. Not all the fluff...not all the filler. Just what you need to know. We have read about 100 books and articles on time management and here is what we learned: the process was a waste of time! All the writings say pretty much the same thing.The fact is that there are about 50 principles of time management that you need to know...and once you learn those, you have learned what you need to know about this subject.
    我们的目的是透彻地对某一特定主题进行研究一一就这本书而言是时间管理一一然后为读者归纳出你所需要知道的内容。不是泥沙俱下……也不是面面俱到。只把你所需要知道的告诉你。我们已经阅读了大约 100 本(篇)关于时间管理的书籍和文章.以下是我们所得到的信息:这一阅读过程是在浪费时间!几乎所有著作都大同小异。事实上,有关时间管理的原则,你需要知道的大约只有 50 条……一旦你了解了这些原则,你就了解了关于这一主题你所需要了解的一切。。

    All 50 of these principles are addressed in this book. We are asking for JUST one hour of your time to read our book. We assure you that reading our book will be one of the best expenditures of your time that you have ever made.
    所有这50 条原则,都将在这本书里一一论述。我们在此请求你花一小时的时间来阅读本书。我们向你保证,阅读我们的书簫将会是一种良好的时间投资!



