在科学研究国际化的大背景下,不少科研机构将在高影响因子杂志上发表文章的数量作为研究者晋升的重要标准,一些高等院校也将发表高因子SCI 论文作为研究生毕业的重要条件。由于绝大部分高影响因子杂志都是英语期刊,这意味着论文的撰写需采用英文,这对母语为非英语的中国作者来说无疑是一个巨大的挑战。
Nature journals prefer authors to write in the active voice ("we performed the experiment...") as experience has shown that readers find concepts and results to be conveyed more clearly if written directly.
(link: http://www.nature.com/authors/author_resources/how_write.html)
误例:In four cases in our study, elevated ALT levels were observed, indicating...
改为:In four cases in our study, we observed elevated ALT levels, indicating...
误例 :In this paper, further studies to explore the optimal physical parameters and practical application of A- tDCS in treating chronic neuropathic pain are conducted in rats.
改为:In this paper, we conduct further studies to explore the optimal physical parameters and practical application of A- tDCS in treating chronic neuropathic pain in rats.
事实上,很多杂志都不忌讳甚至鼓励第一人称的适量使用。因为这样能减少句子的字数,使其更加简洁;并且能降低阅读难度,提高效率,如例2 中的误例,过长的主语加重了阅读的负担。
To understand the effects of global warming on coastal regions, changes in sea levels, storm surge occurrences and precipitation amounts were examined.
[重点: 当长句作为被动语态的主语时,句子会变得较难理解。再者,因为作者们主导了整个研究,因此最好在讨论研究计划的核心时,特别提到作者主体。 ]
We examined changes in sea levels, storm surge occurrences, and precipitation amounts to understand how global warming impacts coastal regions.
[重点: 当描述研究计划的重点时,许多作者都会将"we" 换成"this study"或" this paper."。但是,"We"在这个上下文当中,是符合语境的,在科学领域中也可以使用。事实上,举例看看最近在 Nature 上发表的一些文章,也使用了"we"来写出主动语态。 "this study" 或 "this paper"当主语时,注意某些动词是不能够被实现的。像是"we attempt to demonstrate" 这句话,很顺畅没有问题,但是换成"the study attempts to demonstrate"就不自然了, 因为"the study "不是一个人。 ]
范例二 (不建议第一人称):
From the various data points we have received, we observed that higher frequencies of runoffs from heavy rainfall have occurred in coastal regions where temperatures have increased by at least 0.9°C.
[重点:在讨论结果时使用人称代词,会让读者怀疑该研究的重现可能性。但数学领域的论文中一般都接受类似 "in X example, we see..."这样的句子]
Coastal regions with temperature increases averaging more than 0.9°C experienced higher frequencies of runoffs from heavy rainfall.
[重点: 在这一句子里,我们去除了被动语态和第一人称,通过阐明因果现象来保留句子的客观性。这样的表述,能够间接表明该研究结果不受任何人观点的影响。 ]
范例三 (建议使用第一人称):
In contrast to the study by Jones et al. (2001), which suggests that milk consumption is safe for adults, the Miller study (2005) revealed the potential hazards of ingesting milk. The authors confirm this latter finding.
[重点: 上方句子后方的"Authors" 没有清楚指出究竟是是Jones et al., Miller, 还是the authors of the current paper。]
In contrast to the study by Jones et al. (2001), which suggests that milk consumption is safe for adults, the Miller study (2005) revealed the potential hazards of ingesting milk. We confirm this latter finding.
[重点: 通过使用“we”,这句话澄清了做动作的主语,并强调了该文中最新发现的重要性。事实上,在大多数科学领域中,在比较作者的研究与其他研究人的文章时,“I”和“We”都是可以使用的。例如:APA就鼓励在种情况下使用人称代词。社会科学弱化了于讨论个人观点的限制,而不需与其他文献比较。 ]
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