on freedom of speech

I quite agree the definition of the term :Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. (from Wikepedia)
For a country ,it is important that it has a good control in the expression. Speech sometimes means a kind of weapon that improve the ongoing of a government.firstly,freedom of speech makes the ideas wide. We know person has its own limitation because of its shortage of knowledge and experiences which makes thinking in a certain aspect. If everyone has the right to share thinking publicly,the brain is exploding. I can say that the birth of Iphone depends on the brain-storming of Jobs’ group.
Secondly, freedom of speech helps the government to find out their shortages as early as they can.In this way ,speech becomes a method to keep an eye on public issues ,and helps the government to recognise itself,revise the wrong actions and repay the missing .someone says that many countries censor the informations their citzens can and cannot see,like China has blocked some major websites like facebook,twitter,etc.So the pure freedom of speech is not desirable in China. I don’t agree. Let’s give another example:people has unique ideas towards world,some are positive ,some are not,some are dangerous.we always choose positive ,try to change those are not and avoid those are dangerous. It doesn’t mean that websites like facebook ,twitter are dangerous. In fact, they are a place that people can express themselves freely just like wechat in china. China has blocked them just because we have these already.