The tour in Beijing

The tour in Beijing

作者: 晨初见雨 | 来源:发表于2019-08-07 12:27 被阅读0次

        We had a tour for ten days in Beijing.In this tour,I know Beijing is very big and beautiful.

        We went to many places in Beijing:Long Tan Park,Ba Da Ling Great Wall,The Old Summer Palace,Zhong Guan Cun,Olympic Park,Tian An Men square,Da Shan Lan,Summer Palace and Wang Fu Jing Street.

        Long Tan Park,

    The tour in Beijing

        Beijing longtan park is located in the second ring road southeast of Beijing, south of the guangming bridge. It was built in 1952. The total area is 49.2 hectares and the water surface area is 19.47 hectares. Due to the formation of head and tail with the dragon beard ditch, so named longtan lake. The beautiful garden scenery and rich cultural connotation make it a tourist attraction.

    Longtan park, has carried on several large-scale renovation construction, the construction of pavilions and diange, masonry steps lakeside, planting willow and mulberry huai, longtan, longzi stone forest, longmen, longyin pavilion, wanliu hall, liantang island and central island and other scenic spots. The park has beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery. The longqiao, longting and longmen are surrounded by mountains and water. The styles of longbai, longjube and longhuai are different.

        Ba Da Ling Great Wall,

    The tour in Beijing

        Badaling Great Wall, built in the 18th year of the reign of emperor hongzhi in the Ming dynasty, the badaling Great Wall was built for more than 80 years, with a total of more than 1,300 li. And anti Japanese general qi jiguang transferred to the north, command the Great Wall defense.

    It is part of the Great Wall, a great defense project in ancient China. Badaling Great Wall, located in yanqing district of Beijing jundushan guanguo road north mouth. It is an important part of the Great Wall, a great defense project in ancient China, and a pass of the Great Wall in Ming dynasty.

    The Great Wall of badaling is an important outpost of juyongguan, which was once called "the danger of living in the valley is not closed but in badaling". The badaling section of the Great Wall in the Ming dynasty is known as the "yuguan tiangraben" and is one of the eight scenic spots of juyongguan in the Ming dynasty.

    The badaling Great Wall is the earliest section of the Ming dynasty Great Wall open to visitors. The badaling scenic area is dominated by the badaling Great Wall. The badaling hotel and the Great Wall of China museum inscribed by President jiang zemin have been built and other modern tourist service facilities with complete functions.

    Badaling scenic spot is the national civilized scenic spot demonstration site, is famous for its magnificent landscape, perfect facilities and profound cultural and historical connotation in the world, is a world-famous tourist resort.

        The Old Summer Palace,

    The tour in Beijing

        Yuanmingyuan, also known as yuanmingsan yuan, is a large imperial garden in the qing dynasty. It is located in the northwest suburb of Beijing, adjacent to the Summer Palace. It is composed of yuanmingyuan, changchun and qicun gardens, so it is also called yuanmingsan yuan. In addition, there are many small gardens, distributed in the east, west, south three sides, surrounded by the moon.

    Covers an area of 3.5 square kilometers, building area of 200,000 square meters, more than 150 views, known as the garden of ten thousand gardens. in midsummer, the qing emperor would come here to escape the heat, listen to the government, and deal with military and political affairs, so it is also called "Summer Palace".

    Yuanmingyuan was built in 1709 and originally belonged to yingzhen, the fourth son of the emperor kangxi. After yongzheng ascended the throne in 1722, he expanded the former ciyuan and built the zhengda guangming hall and qinzheng hall in the south of the garden, as well as the cabinet, six ministries and military offices. During the reign of emperor qianlong, in addition to the partial addition and reconstruction of the old Summer Palace, changchun garden was built in the east and wanchun garden in the southeast. the pattern of the three yuanming gardens was basically formed. Jiaqing dynasty, mainly to qi spring garden for renovation and expansion, making it one of the main garden places. Emperor daoguang, state decline, lack of financial resources, but rather withdraw wanshou, xiangshan, yuquan "three mountains" furnishings, stop rehe summer and magnolia hunting, still do not give up the three yuan Ming garden reconstruction and decoration. On October 6, 1860, the British and French allied forces looted the old Summer Palace, looted cultural relics and burned it. The emperor tongzhi wanted to restore it, but was forced to stop rebuilding other buildings due to financial difficulties. After 8 power allied forces, suffer bandit again blow, turn into a ruin finally.

    Yuanmingyuan in clean room more than 150 years of the creation and management, with its grand regional scale, the outstanding construction craft, fine buildings JingQun, rich collection of culture and profound national culture connotation and enjoys a good reputation in the world, was regarded as "all the apotheosis of the art of gardening", by French writer Victor Hugo accolade for "model of ideal and art".

        Zhong Guan Cun,

    The tour in Beijing

        Zhongguancun, namely zhongguancun national independent innovation demonstration zone, is China's high-tech industry center, China's first national high-tech industry development zone, the first national independent innovation demonstration zone, the first "national" special zone for talents, is China's experimental field for institutional innovation, known as "China's silicon valley".

    Zhongguancun has a spatial pattern of multiple parks in one district, including haidian park, fengtai park, changping park, electronic city, yizheng park, desheng park, yonghe park, shijingshan park, tongzhou park, zhongguancun daxing biomedical base and so on.

    In haidian estate of zhongguancun science park's predecessor is the first national high-tech industrial development zone, Beijing new technology industrial development experimental zone, it to Beijing university, tsinghua university, Chinese academy of sciences and other famous universities and research institutions, planning area of 133.06 square kilometers, the world-famous "zhongguancun electronic street" is the birthplace of her.

    Changping park: founded in November 1991, changping park is located in changping district, northwest of Beijing. It is one of the earliest state-level high-tech zones in Beijing and an important part of zhongguancun science and technology park.

    Electronic science and technology park, zhongguancun science park, electronic science and technology park is an important component of the zhongguancun science park, is approved by the state ministry of science and technology and Beijing municipal people's government formally established, with the development of electronic information industry as the main body, multi-functional, comprehensive national hi-tech park, electronic science and technology park is the core of the chaoyang district high and new technology industry function area, is an important base of bearing chaoyang district high and new technology industry development.

    Tongzhou park: tongzhou park, zhongguancun national independent innovation demonstration zone, was formally established in January 2006, and is an industrial cluster area of tongzhou new town in Beijing.

        Olympic Park,

    The tour in Beijing

        The Beijing Olympic park is divided into three parts: 6.8 square kilometers of Olympic forest park in the north, 3.15 square kilometers of central area.in the south.The completed and reserved area was originally the national Olympic sports center, located in the south of the north fourth ring road and east of beichen road. All the venues were the competition venues of the 1990 Asian games, including the Olympic sports center stadium, Olympic sports center stadium and yingdong natatorium. Its southern reservation will be developed as a cultural business district. The central area is located in the middle of the Olympic park, south of kehui road and north of north fourth ring road. In its northwest corner, there is the Olympic village, and in the south, there are various main stadiums, including the national stadium "bird's nest", the national aquatics center "water cube", the national stadium, the national conference center and so on. In addition, the Olympic multi-functional broadcasting tower, digital Beijing building and main news center are also located in this area. Located to the north of kehui road, the forest park USES the ancient Chinese garden technology of digging lakes and piling mountains to build "aohai" and "yangshan", which serve as the terminus of Beijing's central axis extending northward. The park is divided into north district and south district by the fifth ring road. The south district is dominated by artificial landscape, while the north district is more close to natural and wild interests. An "ecological corridor" spanning the fifth ring road is set up in the middle of the two districts. The Olympic park hockey field, the archery field of the Olympic park and the tennis court of the Olympic park are located in its west. In another way, all areas except the Olympic village are divided into five zones according to the planning functions:South of the north road of national stadium is the "sports function area", in which the main sports facilities such as national stadium "bird's nest", national aquatics center "water and water cube", national stadium, Olympic sports center stadium, Olympic sports center stadium and yingdong natatorium are located. Between north national stadium road and kehui road, on the east side of the dragon-shaped water system is the "culture, science and education area". The new China science and technology museum, the planned new China art museum and the Chinese culture center and other science, education and cultural facilities are set up in this area. Between north national stadium road and kehui road, on the west side of the dragon-shaped water system is the "characteristic business district", where the national conference center, beichen intercontinental hotel, sunken square business district and the watchtower under construction are located [5]. The "forest recreation area" between kehui road and the fifth ring road corresponds to the south area of forest park. North of the fifth ring road is the "ecological health zone", corresponding to the north of the forest park.

    Different landscapes are designed around the central axis that runs through the whole park. Three axes are designed -- the central axis, the tree array on the west side and the dragon-shaped water system on the east side.are set up between the dragon-shaped water system and the central axis. A landmark landscape tower, linglong tower, has been set up in the park to provide media with studio and TV broadcasting services. In addition, the existing historical relics in the park, including the beiding niangniang temple and other historical sites, are also taken into consideration in the landscape design.

    The central axis itself is designed as landscape avenue, with a total area of 400,000 square meters. Avenue south from the panda island, north to the forest park south gate square, the total length of 3.7 kilometers, in the width of 21 to 60 meters in the range of gray granite to imitate China's ancient buildings in the imperial road paving, even with the municipal road intersection location also remains unchanged, in order to maintain the integrity of the avenue.

    The tree array landscape on the west has a bandwidth of 100 meters and a length of 2.4 kilometers. It starts from the north side of the fourth ring road in the south and ends at kehui road in the north. In the middle, it disconnects at the east side of the national aqueduct center and national stadium to form a square. The trees in the tree array are spaced 6 meters apart and arranged in a matrix. The tree species are mainly native species in Beijing. Considering the cost, ginkgo is not used entirely. Under the trees, it changes from hard permeable bricks in the south to regular hedgerows in the middle and finally to free greening in the north, gradually blending into the forest.

    The long-shaped water system on the east side is about 2.7 kilometers in length, 20 to 125 meters in width, with a total area of 16.5 hectares. Although it is an artificial water system, the water source is also the reclaimed water produced in sewage treatment plant, but the ecological balance is constructed artificially in the construction to achieve the effect of natural purification. Lakeside west road on the west bank is a non-motorized driveway, and a pro-horizontal platform is set beside the sunken garden, supplemented by steps, platforms, seats and other facilities. On the east bank, ribbon green land is set. The vegetation on the west side is short and sparse, while the east side is tall and dense, which not only facilitates the viewing of the central area from the east bank to the west, but also makes the scenery from the central area to the east full of layers.

    In the three sections, the celebration square in the south section is connected with the central axis square, providing space for the national stadium, swimming center and gymnasium to gather and disperse people for large-scale activities during and after matches and outdoor activities. Fountain pools are set on the north and south sides. Sunken garden in the central part of the combination of the perimeter of the subway station and more than 20 square meters underground commercial facilities design, in order to "open the Forbidden City" as the theme set up seven courtyards, from south to north, in turn, displaces, separately using different design, reflecting the different elements of Chinese traditional culture. On the other hand, the leisure garden in the northern section is naturally planted with vegetation, which serves as a buffer zone for the gradual transition from the central area to the forest. The watchtower under construction is located in a recreational garden.

    Beijing Olympic park central district underground circular traffic corridor corridor of 9.9 kilometers, including 4.5 kilometers of main road, is the longest urban tunnel in Asia. The path of the ring road is similar to that of the south first road, the east lakeside road, the north first road and the west landscape road in the central area of the Olympic park. The east and west sections are 13 meters from the ground, and the south and north sections are 7.8 meters from the ground. The main part of the channel is 4498.92 meters long, and it is attached with 1713.8 meters and the outlet connected with the ground is 3719.06 meters long. The whole underground project is 9931.78 meters long. The passage is 12.25 meters wide and has three lanes. What's special about the lane is that it only allows one-way travel counterclockwise and has a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour. 25 entrances and exits connect to the surrounding road network. On average, there is an entrance and exit every two or three hundred meters in the underground passage, with a total of 25. The dense entrances and exits connect with nearly 10 municipal roads around the central area of the Olympic park, such as the north fourth ring road, chengfu road, datun road, kehui road and beichen road. Among them, there are 6 entrances and 7 exits connected with surface roads, 6 entrances and 6 exits connected with datun road tunnel and chengfu road tunnel. The underpass also connects to underground garages in the surrounding buildings and has 34 openings for buildings that are still on the drawing board and have not yet been built. In addition, the underground passageway is not just a traffic corridor. It has complete ancillary facilities, including 5 independent escape exits, 1 fire pump station, 1 monitoring center, exhaust and air supply rooms.

        Tian An Men square,

    The tour in Beijing

        Tian 'anmen, formerly known as chengtianmen, was built in the 15th year of yongle in the Ming dynasty.Qing shunzhi eight years after the reconstruction of tiananmen. At this time, tiananmen square was just a closed t-shaped palace square, which was an important place for the Ming and qing dynasties to hold major celebrations and issue decrees to the whole country, and also represented the majesty of imperial power.

    Guangxu twenty-six years, the eight-power allied forces invaded Beijing, tiananmen square was regarded as the invaders of the army.

    In the third year of the republic of China, zhu qihua of beiyang government started the plan to transform the old capital city. The square in front of tiananmen square was demolished, asphalt road was built, and wengcheng was built. The previously closed court square was changed into an open space for free passage and stay, and the majesty and mystery of imperial power were dissolved. It was because of the first transformation of tian 'anmen square by zhu qihuan that tian 'anmen square began to become a square in the modern sense.In 1928, Chiang kai-shek won his northern expedition. In July, 70,000 people from all walks of life organized a celebration in front of tian 'anmen square. On August 24, a portrait of sun yat-sen was hung on the tiananmen rostrum, the first time a personal portrait has been hung on the rostrum.

    In the 26th year of the republic of China, the slogan "building a new order in east Asia" was pasted on the gate tower of tian 'anmen square in Beijing under the Japanese and puppet government.

    October 1, 1949, the founding of the People's Republic of China, square held ceremony.

    In 1950, because the distance between the flagpole of the square and tiananmen square was not enough to exceed the width of the parade in the future, the hua biao and shi shi lion in front of tiananmen square were moved 6 meters.

    In 1954, the zhonghua gate, the left gate of chang 'an and the right gate of chang 'an, the executive offices of the ministry of household and the criminal department, and the chess-board street of the warehouse were demolished, and a monument to the people's heroes was built in the square.

    In 1958, to mark the tenth anniversary of National Day, the biggest expansion in tiananmen square's history began. The red walls of zhonghua gate, chessboard street and square were removed, covering an area of 44 hectares, nine times the size of red square in Russia. Tao zongzhen, an architect, once suggested that the width should be compressed to accommodate the coherence of the surrounding roads, and was told: "you can't move. It was set by chairman MAO." Meanwhile, the monument to the people's heroes and the great hall of the people and the Chinese revolution and military museum on both sides of the square set the tone for the square as the political center.MAO zedong died on September 9, 1976. The last major renovation of tiananmen square - the MAO zedong memorial hall.

    On January 1, 1988, the tian 'anmen rostrum was officially opened on the first day of Beijing international year of tourism.

    On October 1, 1999, BBB 0 50th anniversary ceremony was held.

    In 2009, two giant screens were placed in tiananmen square to mark the 60th anniversary of National Day, with scrolls of the city's landscape and public-service advertisements.

    On September 3, 2015, the conference commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japanese aggression and the world anti-fascist war was held in Beijing.

    At 7:36 am on January 1, 2018, the first flag-raising ceremony carried out by the honor guard and military band of the people's liberation army was held in tian 'anmen square.

        Da Shan Lan,

    The tour in Beijing

        Dashilan street was originally called langfang four, has a history of nearly 500 years. Located in the center of ancient Beijing, dashilan is an important part of the south central axis, which was a prosperous business district in history. According to the qing dynasty "the case of the imperial decree" records, yongzheng seven years approved the outer city fence 440, qianlong eighteen years approved the inner city fence 1,919, the imperial city within the column 196. Dashilan was originally a corridor house four, because this alley fence made excellent, retained for a long time, and some large, and gradually for the attention of the capital, so, dashilan became the name of this alley. There is a popular saying in old Beijing that goes, "watch things on the overpass, buy things to the big fence." "The top of the head of the horse to gather yuan, feet on internal liansheng, wearing eight daxiang, waist wrapped four daheng" said are early years of the status and prosperity of the fence. In the Ming dynasty, in the first year of the reign of emperor xiaozong hongzhi, the great fences were erected on the streets and alleys of Beijing and soldiers were sent to guard them against thieves. By the qing dynasty, this area had become the main commercial center, because there were a lot of business, in order to effectively prevent thieves, the fence was built bigger than other places, also all good-looking, so it was called "big fence". The name "dashilan" is not included in zhang zhupo's collection of five chengfang lanes and hutongs in the capital in the Ming dynasty. In the west of qianmen road, there are only langfang toutiao, langfang 2, langfang 3 and langfang 4, among which langfang 4 is located at the position of dashilan. It can be seen that there is no such place in Ming dynasty. And the so-called "langfang" refers to the storefront house that is used for fronting the street. Thus it can be seen that although there is no such place name as dashilan in the Ming dynasty, the position of dashilan is already a prosperous business district full of merchants. In the first year of the reign of emperor hongzhi of the Ming dynasty, wooden fences were set up at the gates of every street and lane in Beijing in order to maintain public order. The fences were funded by the residents in the places where they lived. From then on, more than 1,700 fences were built on the streets of Beijing until the end of the qing dynasty. Among them, the fence of four langfang houses is funded by merchants, which is exceptionally large, so it is called dashilan. As time passes, dashilan replaces langfang four to become the official name of this street. In the 25th year of guangxu's reign, a fire broke out in dashilan, and the wooden fence was destroyed. Since then, dashilan has only been kept in its name. In 2000, the Beijing municipal government built an iron fence at the entrance of dashilan street, and the real fence came back to dashilan.

        The Summer Palace,

    The tour in Beijing

        The Summer Palace, Beijing ancient imperial garden, formerly known as the garden of clear ripples. In 1860, qingyi garden was destroyed by fire. From 1884 to 1895, empress dowager cixi retired to rest and ordered the reconstruction of qingyi garden in the name of guangxu emperor. Due to limited funds, we concentrated on the restoration of the former mountain complex, and built a wall around kunming lake, renamed the Summer Palace, became the palace of separation.

    Yi, take care of oneself; Peace of mind. The Summer Palace means a place for the aged. In her later years, cixi promised the guangxu emperor that she would not interfere in government affairs, so she built the Summer Palace.

    The Summer Palace is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, 15 kilometers away from the city, covering an area of about 290 hectares, adjacent to the old Summer Palace. It is based on kunming lake, wanshou mountain as the site, to the west lake in hangzhou as the blueprint, from the jiangnan garden design techniques and built a large landscape garden, is also the most complete preservation of a royal palace garden, known as the "royal garden museum", is also a national key scenic spots.

    Guangxu 14 years reconstruction, renamed the Summer Palace, for summer recreation. In the 26th year of guangxu emperor, the Summer Palace was destroyed by the "eight power allied forces", and all the treasures were looted. After the fall of the qing dynasty, the Summer Palace was destroyed again during the period of warlord warfare and kuomintang rule.

    On March 4, 1961, the Summer Palace was announced as one of the first batch of national key cultural relics protection sites, and the chengde summer resort, humble administrator's garden and lingering garden were also announced as four famous gardens in China. In November 1998, it was listed in the world heritage list. On May 8, 2007, the Summer Palace was officially approved by the national tourism administration as a 5A tourist attraction.

    Historical evolution:

    1. During the seven years of the reign of emperor hongzhi in the Ming dynasty, the nursing mother of emperor xiaozong of the Ming dynasty helped the st. lady luo shi to build the yuanjing temple in front of weng hill, and then she abandoned it. After that, gardens around weng mountain gradually increased. Emperor wu zong of Ming dynasty built a palace on the lakeside, called "good mountain garden", which was the royal garden. Ming wu zong, Ming shen zong have been in this boat fun. Mingxi zong, wei zhongxian had good mountain garden as his own.

    2. In the early years of the qing dynasty, in order to prepare for the 60th birthday of the empress dowager chongde, emperor qianlong ordered the excavation of the west lake under the pretext of improving the water system in the west of Beijing, so as to ensure the use of water for the palace gardens and provide irrigation water for the surrounding farmland. Emperor qianlong renamed the west lake kunming lake with the allusion that emperor wu of han dynasty dug the kunming pool to drill the water army. He built the weng mountain in hubei by digging the lake, and renamed the weng mountain wanshou mountain.

    3. Qianlong built a garden of clear ripples in 29 years, consuming more than 480 thousand taels of silver. The main building in the park is the grand bao en yanshou temple, with a long corridor of more than 700 meters. The Summer Palace wanshou hill garden of clear ripples of governance and residential nature of the buildings are very few, qianlong emperor to visit the garden of clear ripples for the same day, never lived in the garden.

    4, the qing dynasty after daoguang, due to weak national strength, announced the withdrawal of three mountain furnishings, qingyi garden gradually abandoned. Due to limited funds, we concentrated on the restoration of the former mountain complex, and built a wall around kunming lake, renamed the Summer Palace, became the palace of separation.

    5. The buildings and cultural relics in the garden were damaged by the eight-power allied forces during the twenty-sixth year of guangxu reign, and were restored in the twenty-eighth year of guangxu reign. Although the Summer Palace has largely restored its garden of clear ripples to its full landscape, its quality has declined somewhat. Due to cixi's preference for su style paintings, many houses, pavilions and corridors also changed from he xi style paintings into su style paintings, which changed the original appearance of qing yi garden in detail.

        Wang Fu Jing Street,

    The tour in Beijing

        Wangfujing Street is located in dongcheng district, Beijing, with a total length of 1,818 meters. It is divided into four sections from south to north, and 280 meters in length from east chang 'an Street to east Dan SAN. The section from dongdan third to goldfish alley is 548 meters in length. Goldfish alley to dengshikou street section, the length of 344 meters; Dengshikou street to 54 street section, the length of 646 meters. Among them, the section from dongdan SAN to goldfish hutong is a well-known commercial pedestrian street in Beijing, "wangfujing pedestrian street".

    Wangfujing street is a commercial street with a long history of hundreds of years, and enjoys the reputation of "golden street" in Beijing.



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