Drama for Page 53

Drama for Page 53

作者: soar1997 | 来源:发表于2017-03-22 01:44 被阅读0次


General Manager - Mr.Zhu
HR Manager - Mr.Chen
Marketing Manager - Mr.White
Sales Manager - Mr.Fash
Accounting Manager - Mr.Wang
Technology Manager - Mr.Kuang


General Manager:
Good morning.Is everyone here?


General Manager:
Well,it looks like a good time to begin our meeting.Eh...You all got a chart about last months' sales.Who can give me a summary?

Accounting Manager:
Honestly,datas tell me that the economy is recovering and our FTO Company had a brilliant performance.

General Manager:
Yeh.It's truth that everyone of FTO worked hard last month.But there are some problems about business assignment.Everybody is kept really busy and some of the staff in the company have felt great stress.A big challange now is that how can we light the load of our staff.Take out your solutions.

HR Manager:
In my opinion,there are two ways.One is enlarging our team,and another one is reducing our orders.

Sales Manager:
I tend to reduce orders.I think it is the most direct solution.

Marketing Manager:
OBJECTION!!!We can only expand market share.That's why we work hard.

Technology Manager:
I dissagree with you,and I think there are some products which contain low technology.We can get rid of those orders and then we develop FTO to a higher level.

General Manager:
Sounds great!

Accounting Manager:
Anyhow I suggest hiring more accounter.Because our Accounting Deptment is really busy.We had been flooded with orders.

HR Manager:
I must remind you that it may take a term till new staff knows well about their work.

Accounting Manager:
I guess I can cut down the term.

General Manager:
Have any deptments want hire new staff?

Sales Manager:
My team needs more hands,too.

HR Manager:
There are no time for hiring HR.

Marketing Manager:
Hiring a staff for marketing is not easy,I quit hiring.

Technology Manager:

General Manager:
And...How about reducing orders?What's your opinion,Mr.White?

Marketing Manager:
It must take a research and analysis before adjusting product structure.

Technology Manager:
My Technology Deptment will take part in it.

General Manager:
So we decide hiring new staff and adjusting orders.
Any another suggestion?


General Manager:
Finally, I declare the assignment:
HR Deptment,prepare for hiring new staff of Accounting and Sales Deptments.

HR Manager:
Got it!

General Manager:
Marketing Deptment,take a research for adjusting orders.

Marketing Manager:
Got it!

General Manager:
Technology Deptment,help marketing research.

Technology Manager:
Got it!

General Manager:
Accounting and Sales Deptment,you are on your own before something done.

Accounting and Sales Manager:
Got it!

General Manager:
Report me in two weeks.Any question?


General Manager:
Good luck to FTO!you are free now.


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      本文标题:Drama for Page 53
