A song for you

A song for you

作者: 一笔人 | 来源:发表于2017-05-14 10:13 被阅读0次

When you appear, I feel my heart is trembling

When you appear, I feel my love is fling to you

When you appear, I feel like I'm in your mind

Who said love must meet to have the results, I love you

Even in imagination

Your strong love has opened my heart

Hey hey

Naughty boy,

Why, you want to occupy my heart

Why, let me just miss you every second.                                                 Why, love you do not want to leave you

Oh ~ you say, do not say "hi" to me, i do not like it

Oh ~ you say, do not say "hi" to me, I am very disgusted

Oh ~ you say, I just want my lover, queen, wife, not a friend

Oh ~ you say, I want you in the every last sentence with sayang

I love you papa, papa you know i love you

So what , no piano guitar ,I use my heart to sing for you

So what ,No pen notebook,I use my love to write songs for you.        I love you, i love you just you

I miss you, I miss you just you

Give me your hand, give me your love

Hold your hand and grow up with your child

we will be together forever……


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    本文标题:A song for you
