English in use 1-13 Review

English in use 1-13 Review

作者: 小芷芷 | 来源:发表于2017-09-20 14:00 被阅读0次

1. coin v.

to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time
e.g. coin new words

2. readiness n.

e.g. the willingness to coin new words

3. 搭配 & 短语

a pair of scissors 用复数
a piece of advice [U]
a pair of trousers 用复数
at a loss for words 说不出话来

4. dissuade vs. persuade

dissuade 劝说不要做
persuade 劝说去做 [syn]convince

5. 重音


6. 单词

screwdriver 螺丝刀
colloquial 口语的
impartial 公平的

adj. 文盲的;(对某专题)所知甚少的,外行的 computer/technologically illiterate
n. 文盲

stapler 订书机
grinder 研磨器
can/tin-opener 开罐器
nail-clipper 指甲刀
coat-hanger 衣架,挂衣钩

sun-tanned 被太阳晒黑的
quick-witted: intelligent
bullet-proof 防弹的
contact lens 隐形眼镜
arms race 军备竞赛

7. 沙发

sofa couch: "lower class"
settee: "middle class"
divan: bed with the thick base; sofa with no back or arms.

8. 船

sailing boat: general
dinghy: small open boat

yacht: luxury most typically collocated with yacht.

ketch: a double-masted sailing ship, also can be described as luxury.

9. ticket-holder

A person who has a ticket; a kind of wallet for holding tickets.

10. smoker

A person who smokes; a short name for a seat in the smoking area of a plane or a train (or the whole smoking compartment on a train)

11. mono-: one/single

monotonous adj. 单调乏味的,毫无变化的
e.g. monotonous job.
The music became monotonous after a while.

monologue n. (一个人)滔滔不绝的话,长篇大论;独角戏

monogamous adj. 一夫一妻的

monomial adj. 单项的;n. 单项式


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