/*约束在创建表的时候 可以给表的字段添加响应的约束 添加约束的目的是为了保证表中的数据的合法性 有效性 完整性
非空约束(not null)约束的字段不能为NULL
唯一约束 (unique)约束的字段不能重复
主键约束 ( primary key)约束的字段既不能为NULL也不能重复
外键约束 (foreign key)
检查约束 (check)
注意oracal数据有check约束 目前mysql不支持
- not null(只有列级约束)
mysql> drop if exists t_mem;
mysql> create table t_mem(
id int,
memname varchar(255) not null,
password varchar(255)
mysql> desc t_mem;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int | YES | | NULL | |
| memname | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
| password | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |
mysql> insert into t_mem (id,password) values (1,'123');
ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'memname' doesn't have a default value
mysql> insert into t_mem (id,memname,password) values (1,'lisi','123');
mysql> select *from t_mem;
| id | memname | password |
| 1 | lisi | 123 |
2.唯一性约束(unique)(列级 表级约束)
唯一性约束修饰的字段具有唯一性 不能重复 但可以为NULL
drop table if exists t_member;
create table t_member(
id int,
username varchar(255) unique
insert into t_member values (1,'zhangsan');
insert into t_member values (1,'zhangsan'),(2,'zhangsan');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'zhangsan' for key 't_member.username'
insert into t_member (id) values (2);
insert into t_member (id) values (3);
mysql> select *from t_member;
| id | username |
| 2 | NULL |
| 3 | NULL |
| 1 | zhangsan |
create table t_member(
id int unique,
usercode varchar(255),
username varchar(255),
// 单独字段内容不能重复
create table t_member(
id int unique,
usercode varchar(255) unique,
username varchar(255) unique,
2.复合主键(多个字段联合起来添加主键约束)(复合主键不建议使用 因为复合主键违背了三范式)
3.业务主键 主键和系统的业务挂钩 例如:拿着银行卡的卡号做主键 拿着身份证号作为主键.(不推荐使用)
//使用符合主键 不需要掌握
drop table if exists t_mem;
create table t_mem(
id int primary key,
username varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
primary key(id,username)
drop table if exists t_mem;
create table t_mem(
id int primary key,
username varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
primary key(id)
drop table if exists t_mem;
create table t_mem(
id int primary key,
username varchar(255),
email varchar(255)
insert into t_mem (id,username,email) values (1,'zs','zs@123');
insert into t_mem (id,username,email) values (2,'ls','ls@123');
insert into t_mem (id,username,email) values (3,'ww','ww@123');
mysql> select *from t_mem;
| id | username | email |
| 1 | zs | zs@123 |
| 2 | ls | ls@123 |
| 3 | ww | ww@123 |
mysql> insert into t_mem (id,username,email) values (1,'md','md@123');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '1' for key 't_mem.PRIMARY'
//id为主键 不能为NULL
mysql> insert into t_mem (username,email) values ('md','md@123');
ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'id' doesn't have a default value
//mysql提供主键值自增 (auto_increment)
drop table if exists t_mem;
create table t_mem(
id int primary key auto_increment,
username varchar(255)
insert into t_mem (username) values ('a');
insert into t_mem (username) values ('b');
insert into t_mem (username) values ('c');
insert into t_mem (username) values ('d');
mysql> select *from t_mem;
| id | username |
| 1 | a |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | c |
| 4 | d |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
4.外键约束 foreign key
t_class 班级表(父表)
cno(pk) cname
101 北京宜黄二中高三1班
102 北京宜黄二中高三2班
t_student 学生表(子表)
sno(pk) sname classno(该字段添加外键约束fk)
1 zs1 101
2 zs2 102
3 zs3 101
4 zs4 102
//foreign key(字段) references 父表(字段),
drop table if exists t_student;
create table t_class(
cno int primary key,
cname varchar(255)
create table t_student(
sno int primary key,
sname varchar(255),
classno int,
foreign key(classno) references t_class(cno)
insert into t_class values (101,'xxxxxxxxxxxx');
insert into t_class values (102,'yyyyyyyyyyyyy');
insert into t_student values(1,'zs',101);
insert into t_student values(2,'ff',102);
insert into t_student values(3,'ww',102);
insert into t_student values(4,'cc',101);
mysql> select *from t_class;
| cno | cname |
| 101 | xxxxxxxxxxxx |
| 102 | yyyyyyyyyyyyy |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select *from t_student;
| sno | sname | classno |
| 1 | zs | 101 |
| 2 | ff | 102 |
| 3 | ww | 102 |
| 4 | cc | 101 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
insert into t_student values(5,'cc',105);
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`bjpowernode`.`t_student`, CONSTRAINT `t_student_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`classno`) REFERENCES `t_class` (`cno`))