

作者: 谢小帅 | 来源:发表于2019-11-01 13:03 被阅读0次

    住在玉泉 6 舍,5 层楼装了 2 个热水器,分别在 1, 4


    1. 每层楼的人打热水时,上下楼层最少
    2. 热水器放置总楼层数之和最小,即安放成本最小

    1. 两种约束,多标签最小值问题

    条件 1 优先级更高,先按 1 排序,在满足 1 的情况下,再保证 2 最小
    python 的 max, min, sorted 通过指定 key 可以解决此类问题

    import itertools
    def print_each_P_floors(floors, heater_floors):
        print('floor  heater  steps')
        for p in range(1, floors + 1):
            cand_steps = [abs(p - h) for h in heater_floors]
            min_idx = cand_steps.index(min(cand_steps))  # min steps
            if p > heater_floors[min_idx]:  # 下楼
                print('{:^5d}  {:^6d}  {:^5d}'.format(p, heater_floors[min_idx], -cand_steps[min_idx]))
            else:  # 上楼
                print('{:^5d}  {:^6d}  {:^5d}'.format(p, heater_floors[min_idx], cand_steps[min_idx]))
    def best_heater_floors(floors, heaters):
        热水器放置问题 两个约束条件
          1.每层楼的人 打热水 上下楼层最少
          2.热水器放置的 总楼层数之和最小 成本最小
        选择时,在能满足 1 的情况下满足 2,先按 1 排序 再按 2
        :param floors: 楼层总数
        :param heaters: 热水器数量
        :return: heater_floors 热水器放置的楼层
        # 可能的放置情况,从中选取
        cand_heater_floors = list(itertools.combinations(range(1, floors + 1), heaters))
        total_step_floors = []  # idx corresponds to idx in cand_heater_floors
        for heater_floors in cand_heater_floors:
            # each heaters
            total_steps = 0  # sum of min_step of each person
            total_floors = sum(heater_floors)
            for p in range(1, floors + 1):  # 1-5
                # each person's floor - each heater's floor
                min_step = min([abs(p - h) for h in heater_floors])
                total_steps += min_step
            total_step_floors.append((total_steps, total_floors))
        # 双成本最小的
        heater_floors = cand_heater_floors[total_step_floors.index(min(total_step_floors))]
        return heater_floors
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        floors, heaters = 5, 2
        heater_floors = best_heater_floors(floors, heaters)
        print('heater floors:', heater_floors)
        print_each_P_floors(floors, heater_floors)

    测试 floors, heaters = 5, 2,平均每 2 人用 1 台

    heater floors: (1, 4)
    floor  heater  steps
      1      1       0  
      2      1      -1  
      3      4       1  
      4      4       0  
      5      4      -1 

    测试 floors, heaters = 6, 2,平均每 3 人用 1 台

    heater floors: (2, 5)
    floor  heater  steps
      1      2       1  
      2      2       0  
      3      2      -1  
      4      5       1  
      5      5       0  
      6      5      -1 

    测试 floors, heaters = 10, 3,平均每 3 人用 1 台

    heater floors: (2, 5, 8)
    floor  heater  steps
      1      2       1  
      2      2       0  
      3      2      -1  
      4      5       1  
      5      5       0  
      6      5      -1  
      7      8       1  
      8      8       0  
      9      8      -1  
     10      8      -2 

    2. 简单方案

    根据 1 的实验结果,输出有规律,有更简单的实现,1 太费时了。

    def nearest_divided_number(a, b):
        assert a > b
        q, r = a // b, a % b  # 商,余数
        if r >= b / 2:  # 余数 >= 除数/2
            return a + b - r
            return a - r
    def mid_val(a):
        if a % 2 == 0:
            return a // 2
            return a // 2 + 1
    def better_heater_floors(floors, heaters):
        划分成 楼层子区间 考虑
        heater_floors = []
        nearest = nearest_divided_number(floors, heaters)  # 最近可整除的数
        sub_floors = nearest // heaters  # 楼层子区间层数
        remainder = floors - sub_floors * (heaters - 1)  # 不整除的放到1个区间
        mid_rem, mid_sub = mid_val(remainder), mid_val(sub_floors)  # 子区间放置楼层
        # 往下/往上 分配问题
        if nearest > floors:  # 上整下补
            heater_floors.append(mid_rem)  # 第1个
            for idx in range(1, heaters):  # 后 heaters - 1 个
                heater_floors.append(remainder + mid_sub + (idx - 1) * sub_floors)
        else:  # 上补下整
            for idx in range(heaters - 1):  # 前 heaters - 1 个
                heater_floors.append(mid_sub + idx * sub_floors)
            heater_floors.append(sub_floors * (heaters - 1) + mid_rem)  # 最后1个
        return heater_floors

    3. 两种方案耗时比较

    import time
    def test_func(floors=5, heaters=2):
        print('floors, heaters:', floors, heaters)
        st = time.process_time_ns()
        heater_floors = best_heater_floors(floors, heaters)
        print('result:', heater_floors)
        print('time:', time.process_time_ns() - st)
        # print_each_P_floors(floors, heater_floors)
        st = time.process_time_ns()
        heater_floors = better_heater_floors(floors, heaters)
        print('result:', heater_floors)
        print('time:', time.process_time_ns() - st)
        # print_each_P_floors(floors, heater_floors)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        test_func(5, 2)
        test_func(8, 2)
        test_func(10, 3)
        test_func(19, 2)
        test_func(50, 3)

    方案 2 明显快很多,特别是 floors 较大时,排列组合逐个比较太慢了。

    floors, heaters: 5 2
    result: (1, 4)
    time: 202000
    result: [1, 4]
    time: 32000
    floors, heaters: 8 2
    result: (2, 6)
    time: 440000
    result: [2, 6]
    time: 22000
    floors, heaters: 10 3
    result: (2, 5, 8)
    time: 2830000
    result: [2, 5, 8]
    time: 78000
    floors, heaters: 19 2
    result: (5, 14)
    time: 8022000
    result: [5, 14]
    time: 152000
    floors, heaters: 50 3
    result: (8, 25, 42)
    time: 1443854000
    result: [8, 25, 42]
    time: 32000



